Herring Wins Team roping as Lancer women place 2nd

By Hayleigh Fenner
EWC Student
The Eastern Wyoming College Lancer Rodeo Team traveled to Lamar, Colorado for the Antelope Stampede for the last college rodeo of the Fall season. Lancer Brenna Herring won team roping and the Lancer women finished second.
The Lancers battled through tough conditions of rain and mud to qualify 12 Lancers to the finals on Sunday.
In the team roping, Herring a sophomore from Veteran Wyoming, and her partner Kagen Gilbert from the University of Wyoming had a wonderful weekend in the team roping. They had an awesome run in the in the mud in the long round with a 7.7 second run to place them second. They came back Sunday and had another stellar run of 7.9 seconds to win the short go and first in the average.
Lancer Nick Albrecht a freshman from Sheridan, Wyoming had an 8.6 second run in the long go with his partner Keyton Hayden from the Gillette Rodeo Team placing them fourth. In the short go they had a time of 9.2 placing them second in the average for the weekend. Jace Hurlburt and Eli Leppell put in a solid effort for the team roping average, as the two EWC Lancers had a good 10.5 second run to place them 8th in the long go and come back Sunday with a 10.9 second run to place them third in the average. First through third place this weekend in the team roping consisted of at least one EWC Lancer.
In the Tie down EWC’s Colton Zimmerman had a 11.3 second run to place him second in the long go, coming back Sunday Zimmerman had a 16.2 second run placing him fourth in the average. Cade Thar a Freshman from Rozet, Wyoming had a good long round run with a 14.9 to win him eighth in the long and 10th in the average on the weekend.
In the bulldogging, Lancer TC Hughson had a 5.1 second run placing him third in the long go. In the short go Hughson had some tough luck in the mud and ended the weekend ninth in the average. Another member of the EWC rodeo team Teagan Gourneau had a 7.2 second run to tie him for eighth and ninth in the long go. After having a great run of 5.5 seconds on Sunday, this placed him fourth in the average. Bridger Amiotte had a consistent weekend in the bulldogging, the Sophomore had a 5.6 second run to place him fourth coming into the short go and put down another great run of 5.9 seconds winning him third in the average.
In the Barrel Racing Sophomore Camryn Kocian put down a run of 18.55 seconds to place her 3rd in the long round. Kocian came back on Sunday with a run of 18.6 seconds to place her 3rd in the short go. Camryn’s total time on two runs was 37.15 seconds the tied her for 2nd and 3rd in the average.
In the Bareback riding Cian Daly had a score of 64 to place him 10th in the long go. After having a NS in the short go Daly ended up with the 10th place average for the weekend.
EWC’s Isabelle Comino from Buffalo, Wyoming had a quick time in the long go with a 3.5 and placed eighth with having no luck in the short go Camino ended the weekend eighth in the average.
The EWC Women’s Rodeo Team placed second on the weekend with 250 points. The EWC Lancer’s Men’s Team tied for third for the weekend with 235 points.
The Lancers are done competing for the fall but will continue practicing up until the Black Jeans & Gold Buckle Gala on Nov. 22nd.
At the half way point of the season here are the standings.
Bareback Riding- Cian Daly 11th
Goat Tying- Abby Collen and Isabelle Camino Tied for 18th
Tie Down Roping- Colton Zimmerman 4th, Carter Anderson 10th, Cooper Philipps 23rd,
Steer Wrestling- Taydon Gorsuch 7th, Bridger Amiotte 12th, Wyatt Hajny 14th, Teagan Gourneau 16th, TC Hughson 19th,
Team Roping Heading- Jace Hurlburt 4th, Brenna Herring 7th, Edgar Aguilar 12th, Carter Anderson 14th,
Team Roping Heeling- Nick Albrecht 2nd, Eli Leppell 3rd, Colton Zimmerman 13th, Dalton Moore 14th
Barrel Racing – Griffin Grooms 5th– Camryn Kocian 11th
EWC Lancer Women’s Team is in 4th place behind Gillette College, The University of Wyoming and Chadron State College.
EWC Lancer Men’s Team is in 6th place behind The University of Wyoming, Casper College, Gillette College, CWC, and Chadron State.
Do Not mis out on your chance to purchase Tickets for the 3rd Annual Black Jeans & Gold Buckles Gala on Nov. 22nd. You can purchase tickets online at https://lancer-rodeo.com/