EWC Distance Learning

Eastern Wyoming College provides a robust list of courses offered through distance learning.

These classes are offered via Internet, using both synchronous and asynchronous interaction. Eastern Wyoming College offers courses in many core areas including general education, business, science, agriculture, criminal justice, education, social sciences, and human development. Support services available to help students include technology support, student advising, library, bookstore, counseling, financial aid, tutoring, online registration, and online grade reports. More information regarding support services is found below.

Eastern Wyoming College NC-SARA Seal – Authorized Institution has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). As an approved institution, EWC is able to legally offer distance learning in all NC-SARA member states. Please follow this link for more information about NC-SARA and to view the current list of states and U.S. territories participating in NC-SARA.

Veteran education benefits may be adjusted when a student enrolls in only distance education courses.

Mission & Vision

The EWC Distance Learning Committee has established the following vision and mission statements as related to distance learning.

Vision – Eastern Wyoming College will provide a dynamic and engaging distance learning environment that facilitates individual growth, inclusiveness, community involvement, and global impact.

Mission – Eastern Wyoming College strives to provide quality distance education opportunities and experiences to all students engaged in online learning by meeting their educational, cultural, social, and economic needs.

Distance Services

Several campus services have also been tailored to meet the needs of distance students or provide contact information here:

A student sitting at her desk working on a computer.

Online Registration

Online registration is available to students who have met with an adviser. Please follow the instructions found on our Class Schedule page. Otherwise, please contact the EWC Torrington campus or any EWC Outreach Office.

Tuition & fees: Standard tuition and fee rates apply. None of the classes at EWC require an additional distance learning fee.


Considerations for Distance Learning

Distance courses are delivered within the time frame of a standard semester and must be completed in that time. In addition, students will need to make arrangements to complete any examinations required in the course. In order to be a successful distance student, you should consider the following:

  • How comfortable are you with using technology such as computers, e-mail, and the Internet?
  • Are you a self-directed, self-motivated, and self-disciplined student? It is important to keep to a schedule with distance courses.
  • Do you like the face-to-face interaction of a traditional course or do you think you would be comfortable with other forms of interaction such as chat rooms, e-mail, or telephone calls?
  • Do you have the time commitment to devote to a distance course? Distance classes require as much or more of your time than traditional classes.
  • Are you willing to be an active participant and an advocate for your own education? You will need to work according to your own schedule and be willing to contact the instructor or other college personnel when you have questions.
  • Does the college have current information about you? It is very important that the college have current contact information for you such as name, mailing address, phone number, cell number, and e-mail address.

You may also wish to consider how earning a degree from EWC while living in another state relates to your educational goals, especially in fields that require licensure granted by the state. Please contact an advisor for more information.


Learning Management System

Eastern Wyoming College uses the Instructure Canvas learning management system. The system features typical course interaction tools including message board discussions, online assignment upload, online testing, and structured course content.

You access Canvas through the EWC website and by login to MyEWC. User account login information will be sent to you by e-mail.

Please view the Instructure Accessibility web page for information related to LMS accessibility.

Distance Delivery Modes


Because course material is available through the World Wide Web, access to the Internet is required. Computer skills and familiarity with basic Internet services (like e-mail) are highly suggested. Information regarding access to materials will be sent to the student prior to the first day of class. In addition, a textbook and study guide may also be required. Some courses may require the purchase of an “access key” from the textbook publisher. These courses have no extra fee. EWC uses the Instructure Canvas learning management system. Confirm that your web browser is compatible with Canvas at this link.

Web Conference

These courses meet on specific days at specific times using web conferencing software over the Internet and the World Wide Web and other features of the class are also online. Students will need a headset with a microphone connected to their computer. A web camera is optional. These courses have no extra fee. EWC delivers these classes through Instructure Canvas using the Zoom web conferencing tool. Visit the Zoom website for hardware and software requirements.

Please also see the Zoom website for accessibility information.

Distance Education Student Grievance Procedure

Students who believe the college or its employees have treated them unfairly or inequitably may seek resolution through the student grievance policy. The Executive Dean of Student Services, Tami Afdahl (tafdahl@ewc.wy.edu), is available to review the policy with students. Grievances may be addressed through an informal resolution, formal resolution, or grievance hearing. Sexual misconduct violations are referred to the Title IX Coordinator, Tami Afdahl (tafdahl@ewc.wy.edu), and addressed in the Sexual Misconduct policy.

In the case of a student who is taking a distance education class and does not live in the area, all meetings may be conducted via phone or web conference. Please contact the Interim Vice President of Student & Academic Services, John Hansen (jhansen@ewc.wy.edu), to begin this process.

If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the institutional process, the distance education complaint may then be brought to the state agency under the state reciprocal agreement. To file a complaint with Wyoming, contact Rob Dennis at Rob.Dennis@wyo.gov.

Complaint Process – Wyoming Community College Commission

Complaints about grade appeals and conduct complaints are excluded from the state process and need to be settled with Eastern Wyoming College.

Distance Learning Contacts

The following people are dedicated to making your distance learning experience a positive one. Please contact them if you have questions or comments concerning distance education at EWC.

Registration, 8am – 5pm – Jackie Smith
Technical Support, 8am – 5pm – Aaron Bahmer