EWC officials announce tentative plans for spring 2021 semester
Officials at Eastern Wyoming College have made tentative plans for the spring 2021 semester which will begin on January 19, 2021. The College evaluated state and county trends and trajectories, public health orders, state and county transmission and infection rates, local hospital capacity, cases reported on campus by students and employees and community information from local governments and schools to determine re-opening plans.
Based on this data, the academic semester will begin as scheduled and planned for all courses or in-person course delivery. If a student registered for an online delivery course, it will be delivered online. If a student registered for an in-person course, it will be delivered in-person.
Conditions across campus will be re-evaluated every two weeks utilizing the data sources mentioned above.
Capacity in the residence halls for the spring 2021 semester will be limited with preference given to students who were enrolled in fall 2020, student-athletes and students enrolled in courses and programs which require in-person delivery. Housing will be limited initially to reduce student exposure. Conditions in the residence halls will be evaluated every two weeks. If conditions maintain a safe level, in regard to COVID-19 infection rates and exposures, space may become available for additional residence hall students on a case-by-case basis.
Students should check their MyEWC email account or the College’s website and social media accounts for any changes or updates to this tentative re-opening plan.