Administrative Regulation Title:  Technology Advancement Committee

Regulation Number:  2.0.8


The Technology Advancement Committee serves as an advisory body to the President’s Cabinet. The intention is to provide a forum for discussion and input related to technology needs throughout the college and to provide oversight to expending student Technology Fee funds. The committee has these duties:

  1. Research, evaluate, review, and recommend appropriate existing and emerging technologies to enhance and continue services to students, as guided by the Strategic Planning and budgeting processes.
  2. Research, evaluate, review, and recommend appropriate training activities for users of EWC technological services.
  3. Coordinate strategic plans related to technology in order to maximize the value of technology implementations.
  4. Develop, implement, evaluate, and update of the EWC Master Technology Plan according to a five-year cycle.
  5. Manage the process for receiving, reviewing, rating, and approving applications for the expenditure of student Technology Fees for technology purchases that affect students and services provided to students by the college.
  6. Research, evaluate, review, and report on technologies and technology best-practices used at other Wyoming and national community colleges they may improve or enhance offerings at EWC.
  7. Survey students once per year on how technology at EWC is supporting or hindering their education goals. Analyze and publish results.
  8. Survey staff and faculty ever two years on how technology at EWC is supporting or hindering their work. Analyze and publish results.

In addition to informing better decisions at EWC, the comparative research and the survey data will help us write stronger grants for technology funding.

Authority: This committee has the authority to coordinate the implementation and use of technology within the college and to maintain a fair and transparent process for decisions related to the expenditure of student Technology Fees. Meetings will encompass matters related to the purpose and will result in binding commitments by the college upon approval by the President. The TAC will provide an annual assessment of activities to the President. Further, the TAC will provide an annual report of approved Technology Fee Applications and a year-end budget report of Technology Fee revenue and expenditures to the EWC Student Senate each fall.


  • CIO/Computer Services, Chairperson                            Permanent
  • Instructional Technologist, Vice Chairperson              Permanent
  • VP for Student and Academic Services                          Permanent
  • Executive Dean of Student Services                                Permanent
  • Executive Dean of Academic Services                            Permanent
  • Library (1)                                                                                 Permanent
  • Registrar                                                                                    Permanent
  • College President (Ex-officio)                                            Permanent
  • IT Contractor (Ex-officio)                                                    Permanent
  • College Relations (1)                                                             2-year term
  • Financial Aid (1)                                                                      2-year term
  • Outreach (1)                                                                             2-year term
  • Administrative Services (1)                                                 2-year term
  • Classified Staff (1)                                                                  2-year term
  • Faculty (4)                                                                                 2-year term
  • Student (1)                                                                               1-school-year term

Budget: This committee has oversight of the Student Technology Fee Support budget (10-310-640103).

Meeting support is provided by the Administrative Assistant to the President’s Office, ex-officio. Meeting agenda and minutes for this committee will be available from the EWC online agenda and meeting repository and upon demand.

The Student Senate will select a student representative, the VP for Student and Academic Services will select faculty representatives, and the VP for Douglas Campus and Outreach will select an outreach representative, the Staff Alliance will select a classified staff representative, and other department directors will select respective representatives to the TAC as per the membership table.


Original Adoption Date:  2/17/09

Revision Date(s):  2/27/17, 12/10/19, 9/27/23

Date reviewed, no change: