Administrative Regulation Title: Facility Naming
Regulation Number: 2.6.1
No naming will be approved or sustained that will call into question the public respect of the College. Names of facilities should lend prestige and respect to the college, its staff, students and community. Credentials, character and reputation of individuals, organizations or corporations for which the naming of a facility is being considered shall be carefully evaluated. All discussions regarding naming of facilities shall remain confidential until final decisions are made and all necessary parties contacted and advised.
The College will continue to use the name as long as the facility remains in use and serves its original function. When the use has been changed through demolition, substantial renovation or rebuilding, the college may retain the use of the name, name another comparable facility, or discontinue the use of the name.
It is the responsibility of the College, or in the case of a previous gift for the facility, the additional responsibility of the Foundation, to advise previous or potential donors associated with the facility naming, that changes may be made consistent with this policy.
The College will use the criteria described in this policy to determine naming of facilities, however; the Eastern Wyoming College Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Foundation when appropriate, may modify the criteria at its discretion on a case-by-case basis.
“Facility” refers to any building, part of a building structure, street, drive, landscaped area, farm, open space, physical facility or other property under the administrative control of Eastern Wyoming College.
Relationship of College and Foundation in Facility Naming
Naming of facilities that are funded all or in part through private donations will require consultation with the Foundation in order to determine that gift levels required for the project are appropriate. In establishing objectives for a fundraising campaign, the Foundation will establish a schedule of naming opportunities and the level of gift required for each.
The College president will review the Foundation’s selections for the Distinguished Alumni Award and the Distinguished Service Award to coordinate any intended or unintended duplication of these awards with possible naming of facilities. Previous selection of an individual, individuals, or corporate entity for these awards will not preclude a naming opportunity for a facility.
Commemorative Naming for Distinguished Service
Distinguished service recognizes significant and positive impact that an individual has had on the institution over an extended period of years. No less than one year shall lapse between the end of an individual’s service and consideration for a commemorative naming.
Naming for distinguished service will be recommended by the College president, and approved by the Board of Trustees. The president will coordinate naming for distinguished service with the Foundation’s distinguished service award process as appropriate.
The president will annually review candidates for this designation. If an individual is to be so designated, the president may require a background investigation.
Facilities currently named for distinguished service are exempt from this requirement.
Naming as a Result of Gift
Facilities may be named for individuals, families or organizations that provide significant gifts in support of existing or newly constructed facilities at the College. The Eastern Wyoming College Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Foundation when appropriate, may modify the criteria at its discretion on a case-by-case basis.
For Existing Facilities or Renovated Facilities as a Result of Gift
While criteria may be modified on a case-by-case basis, generally:
Existing facilities may be named with a gift of at least 50% of the facility’s current value or replacement cost.
Renovated buildings may be named with a gift of at least 50% of the cost of the project.
For New Facilities Funded With Gifts
While criteria may be modified on a case-by-case basis, generally:
New facilities may be named with a gift of at least 50% of the facility’s cost.
Classrooms, offices, board rooms or seminar rooms will require a minimum gift of 50% of the cost of the room.
In establishing objectives for a fundraising campaign, the College and Foundation will establish a schedule of naming opportunities and the level of donation required for each.
A new facility may be named if it is determined to be integral to the completion of the project in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, and may not meet the criteria above.
For New Facilities Funded Other than Through Gifts
The College Board of Trustees will have the discretion to set requirements for naming facilities funded through sources other than gifts (such as state funding), however should coordinate their recommendations with the funding source and Foundation to ensure a consistent process.
Naming Conventions
The naming of a building, or part of a building, shall generally use the surname only, or in the case of a corporation or organization, the name should be shortened sufficient for recognition; for example:
Atkins Commons
Union Pacific Science Building
Where appropriate, facilities will have names that include their primary function. Special use buildings such as an auditorium, fitness center, may bear the functional name in combination with the name of the individual(s) or organization being recognized; for example:
- The Johnson Fine Arts Center
- The John and Mary Anderson Gallery
Outdoor facilities shall bear the name of the individual or organization being recognized and a functional description; for example, Pinnacle Drive.
Plaques and signage shall be tasteful, discrete and consistent with other campus signage.
Renaming Facilities
When a facility is proposed for re-naming, the College president will make all reasonable efforts to inform the Foundation, original donors, honorees or family members of the proposed change. The College’s legal counsel will be consulted on all renaming proposals.
Removal of a Name
If it is deemed necessary and in the best interests of the College by the trustees to remove a name from a facility, the president of the College will involve legal counsel and the Foundation, if necessary, in the decision.
All actions and deliberations regarding naming of facilities will be treated as confidential until final decisions are made.
Original Adoption Date: 1/8/13
Revision Date(s):
Date reviewed, no change: