Policy Title:  Whistleblower

Policy Number:  3.23


Purpose: The College recognizes the right of individuals to engage in legally protected activity without fear of retaliation. The College is also committed to compliance with the laws, policies, and regulations, responsible stewardship of its financial resources, accountability of employees, and maintaining a community in which students, faculty, and staff can work and learn together in a positive and productive atmosphere. The College expects all employees and students to report conduct or suspected conduct that they, in good faith, believe may violate federal, state, or local laws or EWC policy. Employees who exercise the right to file a complaint, an appeal, report discrimination, or cooperate in an investigation are protected from adverse employment, academic, or educational action motivated by the protected activity. These protections extend to intimidation, harassment, discrimination, or other retaliation. Whistleblower or retaliation allegations will be treated seriously, separate and distinct from the original complaint.


Original Adoption Date: 10/10/17

Revision Date(s): 6/17/21(RN)

Date reviewed, no change: