Policy Title: Grant Application Submittal Policy
Policy Number: 6.5
Purpose: Approval of the Board prior to the submittal of a grant application shall be sought by the College President, when in the judgment of the President, one or more of the following four conditions exists:
- A significant amount of dollars will be coming to the College if the grant application is approved by the grantor.
- A significant financial obligation by the College is required as a match for the grant.
- The services required by the exchange are outside the scope of the College’s educational mission.
- The grant requirements or application forms require that a motion or resolution has been adopted by the governing board authorizing the submittal of the application.
Original Adoption Date: 5/9/95
Revision Date(s): 11/8/05 (RF) (RF), 2/ 11/ 14, 10/10/17{RN)
Date reviewed, no change: