Administrative Regulation Title:  Computer Use Procedures

Regulation Number:  6.6.1


Definition of Computer Resources

Computer resources includes computer equipment such as laptops, desktops, video projectors, tablets, security equipment, POS equipment, printers, wireless equipment, network cabling and equipment, telephony, and other miscellaneous equipment.

Goals and Philosophy:

Eastern Wyoming College is committed to providing a high-quality education for its students. Therefore, the College strives to provide up-to-date equipment and software, as well as access to the Internet.  Users have a responsibility in the use of these resources.  Access to the Internet is a privilege, not a right.  Abuses of this privilege, as well as to computer hardware and software, will not be tolerated.  Below are guidelines for proper use of College computing resources and a clarification of what constitutes misuse.  Penalties for misuse may include disciplinary action by the College and/or prosecution under state or federal law.

User Rights and Responsibilities:

Eastern Wyoming College provides all users with many shared computing resources including full access to the Internet.  The State of Wyoming has designated the EWC internet and email lines for academic, administrative, and research use only.  Information sent/received/stored on state equipment is the property of the college, and may be reviewed for appropriate use and compliance with these designations.  To ensure the integrity of these computer resources, certain guidelines must be followed.

Computer Services will provide all computer users with a network account and initial password. This account is to be considered private, and account owners are responsible for all activity on their accounts. The network account will allow access to required computing resources including application software, research software, printing, e-mail, wireless services, and Internet access. An account will not be issued until the appropriate form has been signed.

This account is a privilege and should be treated properly. Users are expected to keep passwords confidential and change them on a periodic basis to ensure the integrity of the account. Any activity considered to be damaging to the institution or to other users may result in the account being disabled and/or disciplinary/legal action being taken by the college.  Such activity may include, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Sharing of accounts.
  2. Access or attempted access to other accounts.
  3. Physically altering network connections, cabling, or equipment.
  4. Attempted access to system accounts.
  5. Streaming or storing video, movies, or entertainment content not directly related to educational purposes on college equipment.
  6. Attempted unauthorized access to other computer systems.
  7. Access or attempted access to system files or other users’ files.
  8. Violation of copyright laws.
  9. Installation of unauthorized software.
  10. The deliberate or careless installation of any program intended to damage or to place excessive load on a computer system or network. This includes, but is not limited to, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, and multi-player games.
  11. Malicious deletion or alteration of institutional data/programs.
  12. Harassment of any type involving local network or Internet resources.
  13. Use of college resources for commercial gain.

All Eastern Wyoming College computer users are prohibited from transmitting any material or data which is in violation of any United States or Wyoming State laws or statutes. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted materials, threatening and/or obscene materials, materials protected by trade secret, or materials protected by national security laws.

Commercial Use:

Eastern Wyoming College is not authorized to provide use of computers, computer equipment, or electronic equipment for any commercial or money-making activities such as a personal business, raffles, sports pools, internet-based entertainment, or private business interests.  Use for product advertisement or political lobbying also is prohibited.

Eastern Wyoming College does allow the use of this equipment for fund-raising activities of the college foundation, for student clubs, and for operations of the college.

Community Use:

Licensing agreements restrict the use of much of the software installed on Eastern Wyoming College computer systems.  Eastern Wyoming College can grant accounts only to:

  1. those enrolled in an Eastern Wyoming College credit course
  2. those enrolled in Eastern Wyoming College non-credit courses which require computer access.
  3. those employed by Eastern Wyoming College
  4. those enrolled in courses offered by other colleges and universities, which have agreements with Eastern Wyoming College.
  5. library patrons.

Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis by the President, Chief Information Officer, or an authorized designee.

Personal Use:

Computer resources at EWC are intended to support the educational activities of the college and are not intended for non-college related work.  Students and staff may be allowed access and use for non-­ college work with permission of their supervisor if there is no disruption of college activities, the work is non-profit, and the college is reimbursed for direct expenses (paper, etc.).


Eastern Wyoming College makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the computer services and resources it provides.  Eastern Wyoming College will not take any responsibility for any damages a user suffers, whether to person and/or materials.  Eastern Wyoming College is not responsible for extending warranties of any vendors used by the college.


Any user or users violating the rules, applicable state and federal laws, and/or posted classroom rules is subject to loss of network privileges and any other appropriate disciplinary options. Users violating rules of Eastern Wyoming College may also be subject to criminal prosecution.


The malicious harm, modification, or destruction of data or hardware associated with computers belonging to Eastern Wyoming College or under the supervision of the Computer Services Department could lead to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading of computer viruses.

Harassment and Bullying:

The persistent annoyance of another user, including through the use of social media, or the interference with another user’s work will not be tolerated.  The sending of obscene, pro fane, or unwanted materials via Eastern Wyoming College computer5 systems could lead to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.

Wasting Resources:

Every effort should be made to avoid excessive use of computer related resources and supplies.

Hardware and Software:

Campus computer systems have been configured to work properly with the wide variety of resources made available by the College. Changing the system configurations will be considered a violation of Computer Use Procedures and appropriate action will be taken.

To ensure compatibility of equipment and availability of support, all computer-related hardware and software acquisition must be pre-approved by Computer Services.  The purchase of all computer equipment, software, consulting, training, or technical services hosting will be in accordance with the College Purchasing Policy 6.0 and Administrative Regulation Title 6.0.l.

Copyright Infringement:

Definition of Copyright

Copyright is the right of an author, artist, composer, or other creator of a work of authorship to control the use of his or her work by others. Protection extends to literary works, musical works, dramatic works, pantomimes and choreographic works, pictorial and graphic works, sculpture, motion pictures and other audiovisual works, sound recordings, and architectural works.  Generally speaking, a copyrighted work may not be reproduced by others without the copyright owner’s permission. The public display or performance of copyrighted works is similarly restricted.

Eastern Wyoming College encourages all faculty, staff, and students to respect the intellectual property of others through adherence to copyright laws.

Copyright Laws and Technology

Copyright laws also extend to Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing networks. P2P networks allow files (including, but not limited to music and video files) to be shared among, and stored on, the computers and devices that have access to that network. Though a P2P network itself is not illegal, the content that is shared may include copyrighted material. While using a P2P file sharing (or any file sharing) network – if you share, download, and/or otherwise obtain and use copyrighted material without permission, you can be subject to the civil and criminal penalties stipulated for violating copyright laws (see below). If you perform these actions while using an EWC computer, or while connected to a wired or wireless network affiliated with EWC, you may be subject to additional College penalties and disciplinary action.

Applicable college, civil, and criminal penalties can apply even if the file’s copyright was unbeknownst to you. You are still responsible for your interactions and engagement on all P2P and file sharing networks.

Additionally, EWC complies with all laws and cooperates with law enforcement agencies concerning the investigation of copyright infringement that may have allegedly occurred from a campus-based computer or device, or one connected to a wired or wireless computer network affiliated with EWC.

EWC does not actively “police” its wired and wireless networks to discover acts of copyright infringement. The College does reserve the right, however, to monitor the data traffic that passes through its wired and wireless computer networks, and may investigate anomalies from expected levels and patterns of data usage. When anomalous activity is observed, measures will be taken to limit or suspend that activity at that time, and investigative measures may be employed to identify the user involved.

Violations of the Copyright Law can have serious consequences:

Eastern Wyoming College Disciplinary Action: Copyright infringement can subject a student to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct, since violation of law or College policy is grounds for discipline. First offenses will result in a notice from Computer Services to cease illegal activity. Failure to comply or further incidents of infringement may result in loss of network access for the infringing user or device. Sanctions may include suspension of network access and formal college disciplinary action, including academic suspension or dismissal. These outcomes might prove harmful to future job prospects or academic pursuits, since many employers and graduate and professional schools require the disclosure of College disciplinary action.

Civil Liability: Persons found to have infringed may be held liable for substantial damages and attorney(s) fees. The law entitles a plaintiff to seek statutory damages of $150,000 for each act of willful infringement.

Criminal Liability: Copyright infringement also carries criminal penalties under the federal No Electronic Theft Act. Depending on the number and value of the products exchanged, penalties for a first offense may be as high as three years in prison and a fine of $250, 000.


Users should be aware that how they use computer labs, classrooms, and college resources may have an impact on other users.        Inappropriate behavior will result in a warning, removal from the classroom or lab, and/or revocation of computer privileges.

WARNING: Eastern Wyoming College does not actively filter material that may appear on computer monitors, which may be considered offensive by some.  Discretion is advised, especially where children are concerned.

Library Computers:

The Library is open to the public as per the Computer Use Guidelines.


Original Adoption Date: 8/12/97

Revision Date(s): 11/8/05 (RF) (RF)}, 2/11/14, 5/2/16, 10/10/17{RN}

Date reviewed, no change: