Administrative Regulation: Paid Leave

Regulation Number:  3.20.1



Vacation days are provided to all regular benefitted non-instructional employees. Vacation is accrued from July 1 through June 30th each year. Vacation days must have prior approval from supervisor.  Employees may carry over from one year to the next one half of the total annual vacation days for which they are eligible.  Any additional carry over vacation that is not taken by August 31st will be forfeited unless special permission is granted from the President.  Upon employment termination, EWC will pay to employees their unused Paid Leave/Vacation balance at their hourly earnings rate.

Employees may use accrued Vacation or Health/Wellness Personal Leave days while on official College travel provided the trip’s extended duration doesn’t increase EWC financial costs or otherwise doesn’t impose additional responsibilities on the College or its staff.  Employees must inform their supervisor of their extended travel intentions before business trip departure if the itinerary addition impacts other EWC employees or equipment.

Enroute vacation on weekend or other non-duty days will not reduce one’s leave balance. Employees are encouraged to notify supervisors of their extended travel plans before departing on official EWC business. EWC will not incur additional parking, air travel, lodging or other associated costs with taking Vacation or weekend or other non-duty days in conjunction with official business travel. Vacation is pro-rated according to the number of months and percent of full-time defined in the employee’s contract/appointment letter, and his/her level on the salary schedule based on the following:

Professional and Administration

Earn 1.75 days per month

Classified Staff

Level B23 – B31

Earn 1.5 days per month for the first five (5) years of service; 1.75 days per month worked after five (5) years of service.

Level A12 – B22

Earn one (1) day per month worked for first five (5) years of service; 1.5 days per month for five (5) to ten (10) years of service; and 1.75 days per month after ten (10) years of service.

Advance Leave

Benefitted employees whose Paid Leave balance is zero, or whose balance will fall below zero while on vacation, may request to borrow Paid Leave hours/days they will earn in future months.  Employees may submit up to one request per fiscal year not to exceed five total days Advance Paid Leave.  Requests must be submitted in writing to the employee’s supervisor; the supervisory chain will review and route the request to the President.  The EWC President will provide written approval or disapproval of requests.  Employees will repay or have deducted from their pay approved Advance Paid Leave, which they have taken, if their College employment concludes before accruing a positive Paid Leave balanceUpon employment termination HR will calculate the employee’s Paid Leave balance to the hour using the employee’s most current Health/Wellness (H/W) Leave Report (as prepared and distributed monthly by HR) and the employee’s final H/W Leave Report submitted as part of their out- processing.  If the calculation results in a negative Paid Leave balance that amount is multiplied by the employee’s hourly earnings rate to determine amount owed.

Faculty Break Days

Faculty Break days are provided to all benefitted college instructional faculty who are assigned instructional duties by full-time employment contract.  Faculty Break days are determined by the academic calendar, and must be taken during those days identified as break days on the academic calendar.

Holidays:  Holidays for the fiscal year are New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day following, and Christmas Day.

If the holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be substituted.  If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be substituted.

College Closure Days:

At the President’s discretion, there are certain days during the year when the college will be closed other than the designated holidays.  These days will be determined annually.  Ordinarily for a fiscal year college closure days are Fair Day and December 24 through January 1 or January 2 if New Year’s Day falls on Sunday.

Following Vice President coordination and EWC President approval, the Vice President for Douglas Campus may designate one day during the summer months as Fair Day for Douglas Campus personnel.

Holidays and College Closure Days are benefits designed for all employees.  Benefitted employees with five work days per week and whose normal two-day weekend includes a Holiday or College Closure Day as listed above are entitled to a day-off following coordination and scheduling with their supervisor.


Original Adoption Date: 11/9/99

Revision Date(s): 11/8/05, 10/9/07, 10/3/12, 8/13/13, 7/25/16, 2/27/17, 10/29/18, 11/15/18, 6/17/21

Date reviewed, no change: