Administrative Regulation Title: Responsibilities & Procedures
Regulation Number: 6.12 .2
Institutional Official:
The EWC President is the institutional official responsible for ensuring activities using animals at the College are humane and in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. The Institutional Official is responsible for establishing and enforcing relevant College policies and procedures, including but not limited to:
- Ensuring safety of all faculty and staff utilizing animals in research, teaching, and coaching activities.
- Ensuring humane treatment of all animals utilized in research, teaching, rodeo activities, judging and showing.
- Ensuring ongoing compliance with federal, state, and local laws or regulations.
- Ensuring the authority of the IACUC.
- Ensuring the IACUC has sufficient resources for conducting the activities under its jurisdiction.
- Ensuring the number and experience of the IACUC members is adequate to address the volume and types of scholarly activities so reviews are accomplished in a thorough and timely manner.
- Conducting periodic reviews of the IACUC and its activities.
The Institutional Official is granted the following authorities (list may not be all-inclusive):
- Establish and appoint members to IACUC, including the chair, or modify its composite membership. Appointments will be done annually, at the beginning of the academic year.
- Oversee IACUC’s responsibility to establish and implement practices and procedures governing the use of animals in research, teaching, and testing.
- Review and oversee research, teaching, and testing activities that include the use of animals.
- Provide resources, including budgetary authority, for the IACUC.
- Suspend or terminate research, teaching, and testing activities as recommended by the IACUC.
- Provide access to legal counsel on behalf of the IACUC.
- Place administrative sanctions, within college guidelines, on employees, students, and college affiliates for non-compliance with federal, state, or local laws or regulations, guidelines, policies or procedures.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC):
The IACUC reports to the Institutional Official and is charged with the responsibility for the general oversight, evaluation, and assurance of compliance with the College’s animal care and use program.
The IACUC’s scope of responsibility includes (list may not be all-inclusive):
- Review at least once every six months the College’s program for humane care and use of animals, using Guide as a basis for evaluation.
- Inspect at least once every six months the College’s animal facilities, using the Guide as a basis for evaluation.
- Prepare reports regarding IACUC evaluations and submit them to the Institutional Official.
- Review and investigate reported concerns involving the care and use of animals at the College. This includes checking calls received on the Animal Welfare telephone line.
- Make written recommendations to the Institutional Official regarding any aspect of the College’s animal programs, facilities, or personnel training.
- Review and approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or withhold approval of activities related to the care and use of animals.
- Review and approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or withhold approval of proposed significant changes regarding use of animals in ongoing activities related to the care and use of animals.
- Notify instructors, and the College (via the Institutional Official) in writing of its decision to approve, withhold approval, or require modifications to secure IACUC approval of activities related to the care and use of animals.
- Conduct continuing review of each previously approved, ongoing activity related to the care and use of animals at appropriate intervals as determined by the IACUC, including a complete de nova review at least once every three years.
- Suspend, or terminate an activity involving animals if deemed necessary.
Attending Veterinarian
The attending veterinarian has specific oversight authority involving all animals used for teaching, research, rodeo activities, judging, and showing activities at the College. This authority is complementary to the IACUC. Faculty and staff are encouraged to call upon the attending veterinarian or other veterinary staff for guidance in protocol development and consultation on experimental procedures.
The attending veterinarian will be a voting member of the IACUC.
Instructor Responsibilities
A significant burden of responsibility rests with an instructor for the proper use of animals in research, teaching, and testing.
- With respect to this policy, the instructor is responsible for (list may not be all-inclusive):
- Obtaining necessary approvals for activities in accordance with the requirements of the funding agency.
- Ensuring IACUC approvals have been obtained.
- Assuring the project is performed in accordance with the IACUC approved protocol.
- Gaining IACUC approval for changes to protocol or activity prior to implementation of those changes.
- Submitting annual updates to the IACUC.
- Required Procedures
- Instructors using animals must follow specific policies and procedures delineated by the IACUC.
- Any animal deaths and/or serious injuries must be reported monthly to the IACUC and Institutional Official on a form provided by IACUC.
- An acknowledgement of receipt, review, and acceptance of these policies will be signed by each covered instructor at the start of each academic year.
Use of Animals in Teaching
This policy permits the use of live or dead vertebrate animals solely for instructional purposes under these conditions:
- The responsible instructor judges the educational goals of the program or course which will be best achieved by such usage.
- The IACUC evaluates the Animal Utilization Registration Form (AURF) and determines such usage is humane, proper, appropriate, and consistent with government principles and regulations for utilization and care of animals used in research, teaching, and testing.
- Only the minimum number of animals essential to instructional objectives should be used. Instructors should be encouraged to use alternatives to animals whenever possible.
Whistleblower Statement – Reporting Concerns Regarding Animal Treatment
All animals used at Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) must be handled, housed, treated, cared for, and transported in a humane and ethical manner in accordance with federal law and college rules. Any person having reason to question the treatment of animals at EWC is encouraged to report incidents
Involving perceived non-compliance without fear of retaliation.
- Any person having reason to question the humane or ethical treatment of animals at the college should contact the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the anonymous number 855-392-2273 (855-EWC CARE). No threat or retaliation will be made against anyone reporting perceived mistreatment or non-compliance. In addition, reports can be made to any standing member of EWC’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
- All complaints and documentation will be brought to the attention of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
- Anonymous concerns are acceptable, and all reports will be investigated. Federal laws and college rules prohibit discrimination or reprisal for reporting violations of standards and regulations promulgated under the Animal Welfare Act. All concerns will be discussed by the IACUC and, if warranted, appropriate measures will be taken.
- All complaints, violations and recommendations for subsequent action will be forwarded to the Institutional Official.
Rodeo Coach Responsibilities
A significant burden of responsibility rests with a rodeo coach for the proper use of animals in rodeo practice and competition.
- With respect to this policy, the coach is responsible for (list may not be all-inclusive):
- Ensuring IACUC approvals have been obtained, if required.
- Assuring that all activities involving animals are conducted in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws or regulations.
- Assuring all practice and competition activities are performed in accordance with the “Rules Book” of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association.
- Required Procedures
- Any animal deaths and/or serious injuries occurring during activities covered by these policies must be reported monthly to the IACUC and Institutional Official on a form provided by IACUC.
- An acknowledgement of receipt, review, and acceptance of these policies will be signed by each rodeo coach at the start of each academic year.
Original Adoption Date: 8/11/15
Revision Date(s): 2/29/16, 10/10/11 (RN)
Date reviewed, no change: