Policy Title: Student Code of Conduct
Policy Number: 5.13
Purpose: The Eastern Wyoming College Board of Trustees recognizes that each student has a right to pursue an education in a safe and educationally productive environment. Just as a student does not lose citizenship rights upon enrolling at a college, the student also does not become immune to society’s obligations and laws or to the responsibilities of daily living in a broader society. The behavioral norms expected of the College’s student body are those of common decency, decorum, and in recognition of and non-infringement upon the rights and property of others and of the College. The College expects all students to adhere to the highest standards of personal conduct and ethical behavior while involved in college activities on the property or under the jurisdiction of the College. Students must conform to federal, state, and local laws, as well as College policies and regulations.
When students enter Eastern Wyoming College, they undertake certain responsibilities and obligations, including satisfactory academic performance and social behavior consistent with the lawful purposes of the college. Student conduct, therefore, is not considered in isolation within the college community but as an integral part of the education process. All students are expected to know and abide by this code of student conduct.
The College has the right and the responsibility to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. Any student or student organization found to have violated any element of this Board Policy or the Administrative Regulation may be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Individual students may also be subject to sanctions which may include a notation on the student record or student transcript.
The Board empowers the College President to establish, publish, and disseminate Student Code of Conduct procedures for both academic and non-academic matters and to establish the rules and regulations concerning said conduct. The College President may empower a designee the responsibility for implementation and management of this policy.
Definitions: Conduct: the manner in which a person behaves, especially on a particular occasion or in a particular context.
References: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 32 CFR § 106.31; Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA); Wyoming Title 6. Crimes and Offenses; Wyo. Stat. §§ 12-6-101 through 12-6-103; Wyoming Controlled Substances Act of 1971; Wyo. Stat. §§ 35-7-1014, 1016, 1018, 1020, and 1022.
Original Adoption Date: 7/20/05
Date(s) Amended: 11/8/05(RF), 3/ 9/ 10, 6/09/20, 9/12/23
Date(s) reviewed, no change: