Lefforge signs to continue volleyball career

Lissette Lefforge with former EWC Volleyball Coach Julie Sherbeyn as she signs her commitment to Colorado State University-Pueblo.
Eastern Wyoming College sophomore Lissette Lefforge, Otis, CO, has signed to continue her volleyball career at Colorado State University-Pueblo.
“I am full of gratitude and excitement about this opportunity that I have been given to play at the next level and to represent EWC volleyball! First of all, I’d like to thank God for all the blessings he has put in my life including coming to EWC and meeting incredible people who will be lifelong friends. I would also like to thank the community for all of the support through the years. You guys seriously rock! Thank you to my team and past teammates here for helping me grow and for making memories that last forever. Last but surely not least, I would like to draw some special attention to Coach Julie Sherbeyn. You have impacted me more than just an athlete. You’ve helped me through so much and I would just like you to know that you do not only coach volleyball, because I have learned much more than just skills on the court from you. I have learned skills like determination and how to be a strong woman. I look up to you more than you know. I love you, coach. THANK YOU EWC! I am grateful for the time I have spent here and will miss you all dearly. GO THUNDER WOLVES,” shared Lefforge.
Former EWC Volleyball Coach Julie Sherbeyn added the following, “We are so excited to see Lissette continue her volleyball career and accomplish one of her goals she had when she walked on our campus. Her determination and physicality as an athlete will continue to make an impact on the court, and she will continue to grow as a player with the talent that will surround her at CSU-Pueblo. I’m very proud of her contributions to our program, am honored to have been a part of her journey, and can’t wait to see what she does next!”