Serving Students & Our Community Since 1948
Founded in 1948 and located in Goshen County, Eastern Wyoming College today serves almost 1937 students in credit courses and over 5912 students in non-credit activities. The college also sponsors outreach programs in Converse, Crook, Niobrara, Platte, and Weston counties.
Our Vision
Eastern Wyoming College will be an innovative learning environment for academic excellence and community enrichment that champions student success.
Our Mission
Student success is our first priority; as a learning community, we provide opportunities that enable students to achieve their goals and enrich our unique region through work, partnerships, and student achievement.
Our History
EWC was originally established in Torrington, Wyoming as the Southeast University Center, an extension of the University of Wyoming and a part of the Torrington School District 3.
1948 – 1956
From 1948 – 1956, the college struggled to exist on a very limited budget which limited the faculty, curriculum, and student enrollment. At one time during this period, the college enrolled only 16 full-time students taught by two full-time instructors, and only offered a dozen classes.
June 1956
In June of 1956, the citizens of the Torrington Public School District voted to organize the Goshen County Community College District as an independent political subdivision of the state with its own board of control. Although this initial action in the formation of a separate college district encompassed the same territorial boundaries as that of the Torrington Public School District, it was possible to enlarge the district by-election to annex additional public school districts to the College District.
Fall 1956
District 1 and District 10 elected to become a part of the College District.
Fall 1956
All public school districts within Goshen County voted to become a part of the College District.
Fall 1958
District 7 voted to become a part of the College District.
December 20, 1968
The name of the college was changed from the Goshen County Community College District to Eastern Wyoming Community College District.
After the reorganization in 1956, the enrollment increased to 62 full-time students with 4 full-time instructors offering approximately 30 classes during each term of the school year. The growth of the institution continued steadily.
Today, the college serves almost 2,000 students in credit courses and over 5,000 students in non-credit activities. Additionally, the college supports a branch campus in Douglas and Regional Learning Centers in Converse, Crook, Niobrara, Platte, and Weston counties.
Meet Our President

Student Philosophy Statement
Eastern Wyoming College is committed to providing a student experience that promotes academic success in a challenging and supportive environment, facilitates the transition to college for first time students, and helps all students identify and achieve their individual goals. EWC’s student experience is designed to foster personal growth by increasing independence, promoting ethical behaviors and personal responsibility for learning, and affording opportunities for student involvement in campus activities to enhance social development.
Diversity Statement
Eastern Wyoming College envelops a culture respective of our diverse communities, learners, and society. Through active dialogue, we engage in enriching the lives of our students, faculty, staff, and community by providing the safe and free exchange of ideas, knowledge, and perspective. Central to our mission is the dynamic understanding of diversity to include but not limited to: age, culture, ethnicity, gender, class, creed, orientation, and perspective. Diversity at EWC forms the foundation of our values, skills, and learning- culminating into the norms for how we build relationships, communicate, and resolve conflict. As an institution, we affirm the holistic understanding of diversity and endeavor to foster an environment for its growth, support, and future as it reveals who we are today and whom we will become tomorrow.