Administrative Regulation:  Tuition Waivers for All Employees

Regulation Number:  3.8.5


All EWC employees are eligible to receive some form of tuition waiver for EWC credit courses. Employee tuition waivers are subject to availability of space in a class. Employee tuition waivers will not apply if there is a waiting list of students who are paying tuition or have tuition waivers other than employee waivers. All related course fees must be paid at the standard rate. For the purpose of this rule, Outreach Coordinators and bookstore personnel shall be regarded as benefitted employees of the college.

Immediate families of Outreach Coordinators and bookstore personnel qualify for benefits as described below. Employees who for voluntary, non-emergent reasons terminate their employment prior to class completion are required to pay the waived tuition. All benefits listed in this Administrative Regulation: 3.8.5 are not transferable. Applications for tuition waiver are available from the Business Office.

Benefitted Employees & Families

  1. Benefitted EWC employees may receive a full tuition waiver for up to 18 credit hours per semester.
  2. Immediate family members of benefitted EWC employees may receive a 50% tuition waiver for up to 18 credit hours per semester. For the purpose of this rule, immediate family is defined as the employee’s spouse, or children 24 years of age or younger.
  3. Benefitted EWC employees may enroll in a credit class meeting during regularly scheduled work hours, with day and time of class approved by their immediate supervisor. This class may be taken without penalty to the employee. Additional credit classes may be taken, but the employee will be expected to make up the time lost. Faculty may not be excused from a normally scheduled teaching hour to enroll in a class as a student.

Non-benefitted Employees

Non-benefitted EWC employees (including adjunct faculty and employees without a defined employment end date and who are not seasonal) may receive a tuition waiver for one class (with no credit cap) or multiple classes not to exceed three credit hours per semester during any semester in which they are employed. Class must be taken outside of scheduled work hours.

Required Education

Any EWC course taken as a requirement of employment at Eastern Wyoming College is exempt from the scheduling restrictions of this rule, and becomes part of the employee’s work day.


Original Adoption Date: 7/20/05

Revision Date(s): 11/8/05(RF), 8/13/13(RF), 4/14/15, 4/4/16, 10/24/16, 2/27/17, 6/25/18

Date reviewed, no change: