Administrative Regulation Title:  Grant Application Submittal

Regulation Number:  6.5.1



Purpose:  This Administrative Regulation Title is to outline the internal pathway to be followed in preparing a grant application at EWC.


The following steps shall be followed in the order stated:

  1. An employee desiring to prepare a grant application seeks the approval of their immediate supervisor. The supervisor approves or disapproves. If the supervisor disapproves, the process stops.
  2. If the employee’s immediate supervisor approves the request, then the request moves up through the appropriate administrative ranks to a Vice President. Approval or disapproval is given at each level. Disapproval at any level stops the process. Approval at a particular level lets the process proceed to the next level.
  3. If approved, the Vice President presents the request to the other Vice Presidents and President.
  4. If approved by the College President, the College President presents the application to the Board either as an action item or as an information item pursuant to the Policy Title entitled Grant Application Submittal Policy. If not approved by the College President, the process stops.
  5. Information copies of the request shall be sent to the Vice President for Learning and Vice President of Administrative Services, upon approval.


Original Adoption Date: 5/9/95

Revision Date(s): 11/8/05 (RF) (RF), 2/ 11/ 14, 10/10/17{RN)

Date reviewed, no change: