Administrative Regulation 1.2.1: College Board Meeting


REGULAR MEETINGS. It will be the general practice that regular meetings of the College Board shall be held, without other notice than this regulation, on the second Tuesday of each month in the Dolores Kaufman Boardroom, Room T274 Eastern Wyoming College. All regular meetings are open to the public.

SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the College Board may be called at the discretion of the President of the College Board or by a majority of the members of the College Board by giving verbal, electronic or written notice of the meeting to each member of the Board and to each newspaper of general circulation, radio or television requesting the notice. The notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business transacted and shall be issued at least eight (8) hours prior to the commencement of the meeting. No other business may be considered at a special meeting.

EMERGENCY MEETINGS. The College Board may hold an emergency meeting on matters of serious immediate concern to take temporary action without notice. Reasonable effort shall be made to offer public notice. All action taken at an emergency meeting if of a temporary nature and in order to become permanent shall be reconsidered and acted upon at an open public meeting within forty-eight (48) hours, excluding weekends and holidays, unless the event constituting the emergency continues to exist after forty-eight (48) hours. In such case the College Board may reconsider and act upon the temporary action at their next regularly scheduled meeting, but no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the emergency action.

CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. Business will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order for Boards. These rules will be superseded by rules and regulations and special rules adopted by the Board as well as local, state and federal law.

AGENDA. A final agenda will be developed by the College President seven (7) days prior to the regular Board meeting date. The agenda will be fixed and altered only when expedited board approval is required.

QUORUM. A majority of Board members constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business but a minimum of three (3) concurring votes is required to decide any question.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. An executive session is a meeting of the governing body whereby the public is excluded in order for the governing body to discuss certain discreet topics of official business. These specific topics are delineated in the Act. Wyo. Stat. § 16-4-405. The pertinent topics as applied to the EWC Board of Trustees are as follows:

  1. Personnel Matters: The governing body may go into executive session to discuss the employment, dismissal, discipline, wages, salaries and benefits of a public employee.
  2. Litigation: The governing body may go into executive session to discuss litigation to which the governing body is or may become a party.
  3. Real Estate: The governing body may go into executive session to discuss the selection of a site or the purchase of real estate when the publicity would cause an increase in price.
  4. Gifts: The governing body may go into executive session to discuss the acceptance of gifts, donations, and bequests that the donor has request in writing to be kept confidential.
  5. Student Discipline: The governing body may go into executive session to discuss student discipline, suspension, and expulsions.

An executive session may be held only pursuant to a motion that is duly seconded and carried by a majority vote of the members of the governing body in attendance when the motion is made. The motion must specifically state the topic for which the executive session is being sought. Wyo. Stat. § 16-4- 405(b).

ORDER OF BUSINESS. Meetings of the College Board are conducted according to the following general procedures:

  1. Open meeting;
  2. Introductions;
  3. Student reports or presentations;
  4. Approval of the agenda;
  5. Reports of the College President;
  6. Approval of consent agenda;
  7. Consideration of unfinished business;
  8. Consideration of new business;
  9. Consideration of other business;
  10. Administrative updates and reports;
  11. Trustee topics;
  12. Adjournment

PRESUMPTION OF ASSENT. A member of the College Board who is present at a meeting of the College Board at which action on any corporate matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action unless the member dissent is entered in the minutes of the meeting or unless the member shall file written dissent to such action with the person acting as the Secretary of the meeting before the adjournment thereof or shall forward such dissent within five days to the Secretary of the College Board. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a member who voted in favor of such action.

MINUTES. The College Board shall keep minutes of its meetings and maintain a journal of its proceedings for recording the official acts of the District Board. The minutes and journal shall be open to inspection by any citizen upon reasonable notice and convenience.

CONSENT AGENDA. A consent agenda is a practice by which the routine items are organized apart from the rest of the agenda and approved as a group. This includes all of the business items that require formal board approval and yet, because they are not controversial, there is no need for board discussion before taking a vote.

If a trustee wants to have discussion concerning an item on the consent agenda, they must request to have the item moved off the consent agenda. The Board will then consider the item with the other items on the Action Agenda.

Typical items on the consent agenda include:

  1. Minutes from previous meeting
  2. Routine or annual contracts and agreements
  3. Designation of Depositories – done in December
  4. Resignations of faculty, professional or administrative staff
  5. Request to solicit bids
  6. Acceptance of bids
  7. Acceptance of gifts to the College
  8. Submission of grant applications
  9. Acceptance of reports or instructional program reviews
  10. Acceptance of Master Plan
  11. Academic calendar
  12. Budget transfers
  13. Change orders
  14. Capital Projects Budget revisions
  15. Scholarships and Grants Budget revisions – this would be after the initial budget was approved.


References:  Wyo. Stat. § 16-4-405, Wyo. Stat. § 16-4- 405(b).


Original Adoption Date: 3/8/94

Revision Date(s): 11/8/05(RF), 5/11/15, 2/26/18, 11/27/23, 6/25/24

Date(s) reviewed, no change: