Administrative Regulation Title:  Animals or Pets on Campus

Regulation Number:  6.11.1


Animals that are specifically authorized to be in campus buildings include:

  1. Service animals assisting people with disabilities.
  2. Emotional Support Animals (in EWC Residence Halls only) assisting people with on-going mental health issues.
  3. Animals that are used in EWC instructional programs or for special events, e.g., Agriculture, Veterinary Technology, etc.
  4. Animals or pets that accompany visitors, employees, or students on a short-term, nonrecurring basis.
  5. Animals that are brought to campus for Veterinary Technology activities such as pet washing.
  6. Other exceptions may be considered by the Vice President of Administrative Services on an as-needed basis.

Liability for animals and other pets lies with the owner and/or possessor of such animals and pets. Other than service animals, animals or pets shall not be taken into food service areas (e.g., Cafeteria, Student Center, etc.). This policy will not restrict college programs that require animals on campus.

Pet owners are responsible for working with the campus facilities department to clean up any messes made by their pets.  Anyone who brings an animal on EWC-controlled property assumes all financial responsibility for any damages to the property or injury to individuals caused by the animal.  If an unrestrained or unattended animal is observed on campus, the local animal control authority will be contacted to take possession of the animal and help locate the animal’s owner.

Poisonous reptiles and other potentially dangerous or aggressive animals are prohibited from campus grounds and buildings.


Original Adoption Date: 2/6/07

Revision Date(s): 2/ 11/ 14, 10/10/17{RN), 11/14/17, 3/26/18

Date reviewed, no change: