Administrative Regulation Title: Procedures

Regulation Number: 5.12.4


Removal of Registered Students:

If a student is engaging in disruptive behavior, faculty and/or staff may temporarily restrict a student’s participation in class or temporarily block access to the learning management system.  Before allowing the student to return to class, the faculty member(s), Department Chair/ Program Director, will clarify with the student the behavioral standards that must be met in order to continue in the class. This clarification will occur as expeditiously as possible. During the period of restriction, the student must be provided the opportunity to maintain access to the educational/course content. Faculty must facilitate an alternate method for this to occur. The Vice President of Student and Academic Services and or designee can provide consultation and coordination throughout the classroom management process.  If the disruptive behavior is not resolved through the clarification process, the faculty member, Department Chair/Program Director, Vice President of Student and Academic Services and or designee will impose further sanctions in accordance with this Code.  Any permanent removal from class must be in accordance with the procedures of this Code.

Administrative Hearing Process:

  1. Report
    • Anyone may submit information about a possible Code violation by submitting a report to EWC Report and Incident web page.
  2. Preliminary Review
    • The Vice President of Student and Academic Services and/or designee will investigate the alleged Code violation and gather further information if deemed necessary and appropriate. If the information does not substantiate a Code violation, the Vice President and/or designee can close the report or address the questionable behavior through the appropriate department area.  If the report does constitute a Code violation, the Vice President and/or designee will provide the following processes. The Vice President of Student and Academic Services determines whether (a) the case will proceed to an Administrative Hearing, or (b) other measures or actions are prescribed.
  3. Interim Action
    1. The Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee may impose one or more interim actions, including (a) immediate suspension, (b) restriction of access to College premises, the virtual learning environment, and/or all other College activities and privileges, or (c) any other action determined by the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee as reasonable to prevent the recurrence of the alleged Code violation and protect the integrity of the investigation. The interim action(s) does not replace the Administrative Hearing process as outlined in this Code.
    2. The accused student will be referred to as the Responding Party and thus notified in writing of any interim action and the rationale. Following the written notification of the interim action, the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee shall provide the student five (5) calendar days, an opportunity to address the action and supporting information in person, by phone, or through written communication.  Based on that information, the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee may maintain, revoke, or modify the interim action.
  4. Notice of Hearing /Hearing Panel Composition
    1. After the preliminary review by the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee, a Hearing Notice may be sent to the Responding Party.  The notice shall include: (a) a brief description of the reported allegation(s), (b) the section(s) of the Code the Responding Party is alleged to have violated, (c) the range of possible sanctions for the alleged violation(s), (d) the time frame in which the hearing must take place, (e) information about having a Support Person attend, (f) information on how to request accommodations for a disability y, and (g) information on the Administrative Hearing procedures.
    2. The Administrative Hearing will occur within ten (10) days from the date on the Hearing Notice. Requests for extensions by the Responding Party may be granted at the discretion of the Vice President of Student and Academic Services.  The Hearing Panel will be comprised of the Vice President of Student and Academic Services, two faculty members selected by the Faculty Senate, one professional employee selected by the Staff Alliance, and one student selected by the Student Senate.
  5. Administrative Hearing and Investigation:
    1. The Responding Party may elect to participate in the Administrative Hearing in person, by telephone, or by videoconference
    2. The Responding Party may elect to not participate in or attend this hearing. In this case, the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee may decide the matter in the party’s absence. Failure to cooperate or appear will not delay the hearing.
    3. If the Responding Party elects to participate in the hearing, the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee will review the alleged violation(s) with the Responding Party at the hearing. The Responding Party will be provided a reasonable opportunity to share their perspective, and respond to the information presented.
    4. The Responding Party may solicit a support person during the Administrative Hearing, but the Support Person may not participate in the meeting in any other manner, including speaking on behalf of the responding party. The College and/or the Responding Party may solicit legal advice at their own respective expense. The Responding Party must notify the College within forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Administrative Hearing if the Support Person will be an attorney.
    5. The Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee may gather additional information after the hearing by conducting interviews, reviewing documents, and other activities as deemed necessary.  The Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee may need to meet with the Responding Party about information gathered after the initial Administrative Hearing. This may take up to ten (10) days after the hearing, or longer as appropriate under the circumstances.
    6. The Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee will make reasonable efforts to communicate to all relevant parties any anticipated delays of more than ten (10) days.
  6. Decision
    1. All decisions of the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee will be based on a preponderance of the evidence.
    2. After the hearing and the conclusion of any investigation, a decision letter will be sent to the Responding Party’s College email and/or their permanent address articulating;
      1. The decision of the Vice President of Student and Academic Services
      2. The sanction(s) imposed, if any, and
      3. Information about the appeal process, if a Code violation is found.
    3. In accordance with FERPA, and if deemed appropriate by the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or their designee, the Reporting Party may be notified of the decision and if an appeal is filed.
    4. The decision of the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee is final unless an appeal is filed in accordance with the appeal procedures set forth in this Code.
  7. Sanctions
    1. Sanctions may be imposed upon any student, student organization, or student group found to be responsible for violating the Code.
    2. More than one sanction may be imposed for a single violation.
    3. Sanctions, including, but not limited to, the following, are intended to be educational and developmental in nature:
      1. Administrative Removal from a Class. The Responding Party will be removed from a specific class but be allowed to continue in all other courses, unless otherwise restricted.  The Responding Party is responsible for any tuition and fees associated with the administrative withdrawal process.  The faculty member will have the discretion to determine the grade for the class upon removal and communicate to the Registrar.
      2. Community Service. The Responding Party must provide a designated number of hours of service to a designated entity.
      3. Educational Sanctions. The Responding Party must complete tasks such as assignments, interviews, reflection papers, educational meetings, or other educational activities.
      4. Expulsion. The permanent separation of the Responding Party from the College. This means that the Responding Party may not, at any time in the future: enroll   in the College; be a member of any student club or organization; or register for, or participate in, any program, activity, or event sponsored or organized, in whole or in part, by the College.    The Responding Party is trespassed from College Premises, which means the party may never again be present on College owned or controlled property, or access the virtual learning environment.  The Responding
        • Party’s rights and privileges as an enrolled student at the College are immediately revoked. The Responding Party will be responsible for any tuition and fees associated with the administrative withdrawal process, including any financial aid status implications.
        • Expulsion will become a part of the Responding Party’s disciplinary record and permanent academic record. All other sanctions will become part of the Responding Party’s disciplinary record but may not be a part of the party’s permanent academic record.
      5. Loss of Privileges. The Responding Party is denied specified privileges of being a student for a designated period of time.
      6. No Contact Directive. The Responding Party is prohibited from contacting a specified person(s) related to the Code violation. This includes contact initiated through any means (including personal, electronic, and telephonic) as well as contact initiated by any third parties on the Responding Party’s behalf or request.  This restriction applies both on and off campus. Failure to abide by the terms of this sanction will result in further disciplinary action.
      7. Notation on Transcript. A notation may be placed on the Responding Party’s academic transcript related to the party’s disciplinary standing for the duration of the sanction. This may be used when the student is suspended or expelled.
      8. Probation. For a specified period of time, any additional Code violations by the Responding Party will result in progressive disciplinary action. During the period of probation, the Responding Party is not considered in good disciplinary standing. Upon expiration of the probation period and fulfillment of other sanctions imposed (if any), the disciplinary probation will be lifted.
      9. Restitution.  For violations involving damage to, destruction of, or theft of property, the Responding Party may be required to make monetary restitution and/or return any stolen or misappropriated property in an amount not to exceed the actual expenses, damages, or losses incurred.
      10. Suspension. The temporary separation of the Responding Party from the College for a specific period of time.  During the suspension period, the Responding Party is not eligible for the privileges and services provided to enrolled students, including but not limited to registering, attending class, or accessing the virtual learning environment.  The Responding Party is trespassed from the College, including from all College owned or controlled property, services, and facilities. The Responding Party will be responsible for any tuition and fees associated with the administrative withdrawal process including any financial aid status implications.  Upon expiration of the suspension period, the Responding Party must submit in writing a request for reinstatement to the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee.  The Responding Party may be asked to provide a statement demonstrating readiness to return and successfully re-engage with the College community.  If the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee confirms that all terms of the suspension have been met and the suspension is lifted, the Responding Party may be reinstated with or without additional conditions, at the discretion of the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee.
      11. Warning. Written notice that the Responding Party has been found responsible for violating the Code.  Additional Code violations may result in progressive disciplinary action.              A warning does not affect the Responding Party’s disciplinary standing.
      12. Registration Hold. Students who do not complete assigned sanctions within the time provided may be prevented from registering for classes until completion of those sanctions.
  8. Procedures for Academic Dishonesty
    1. Report – Anyone may submit information about a possible Code violation by submitting a report to EWC’s Report an Incident webpage. Faculty are encouraged to notify their Department Chair/Program Director and Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee of the possible academic dishonesty.
    2. Report Review – The Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee reviews the report submitted and contacts the Reporting Party to follow up on the report and next steps.
      • The faculty member’s course of action may include, but is not limited to:
        1. Meet with the student and construct a plan so that the academic misconduct ceases.
        2. Issue no credit or partial credit for the assignment.
        3. Allow the student to redo the assignment. Wait to assign a grade to that assignment until the conduct process has concluded.
        4. Withdraw the student from the course. The course faculty member’s decision shall be communicated in writing to the student, the Department Chair/Program Director, and the Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee.
        5. The student may appeal the faculty member’s decision by following the College’s Complaint Process (Appendix A).
  9. The student may appeal the decision(s), which resulted from the Administrative Hearing by following the steps outlined in Appendix A of this document.
  10. The Vice President of Student and Academic Services or designee determines whether:
  11. The case will proceed to an Administrative Hearing, or
  12. The case will be closed.
  13. This process does not apply to a student contesting a final grade for the course. The grade appeals process is outlined in the Grade Appeals Process in Administrative Regulation 5.13.3.
  14. Result of an Administrative Hearing
  15. As a result of an Administrative Hearing, the Vice President of Student and Academic Services may need to coordinate with the Dean of Academics to make necessary changes to the student’s transcript to reflect the hearing results. This may include adjustments to grades from previous terms.
  16. Concurrent Proceedings
  17. Nothing in this Code shall preclude or in any way restrict additional actions in any College department, educational program, or activity related to academic, professional, or similar standards specific to the department, program, or activity.


Appeals – See appendix A:

  • Policy Title: 13: Student Grievance and Student Complaint Policy
  • Administrative Regulation 5.13.1: Student Complaint Procedure
  • Administrative Regulation 5.13.2: Student Grievance Procedure
  • Administrative Regulation 5.3: Student Grade Appeal Process



Original Adoption Date: 6/29/20

Date(s) Amended: 6/1/21, 9/10/24(RN)

Date(s) reviewed, no change: