Administrative Regulation Title: Student Outcomes and Assessment
Regulation Number: 4.6.1
Definition: All academic departments at Eastern Wyoming College are referred to in this AR as units.
All Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) faculty (part-time or full-time) are required to participate in assessment of student learning activities, regardless of the course/program modality. It is also the expectation that co-curricular activities collect information that may be used in the assessment of student learning. Data gathered for the purpose of improvement may not be used punitively.
Faculty Requirements
Faculty are expected to participate in the assessment activities of their academic units in the following ways:
- Participating in regular reviews of program learning outcomes and assessment results.
- Assisting with collecting and interpreting assessment data as required by assessment plans.
- Participating in reviews of unit assessment results and decision-making process.
- Providing and implementing supplemental assessment strategies in their own classes as a means of improving teaching and learning.
Unit Requirements
Under the leadership of the Program Director, Department Head, or designee, each unit must maintain an appropriate structure, which includes faculty/staff participation, for managing unit assessment efforts. Each unit should:
- Identify what goals/benchmarks the project is intended to address.
- Identify what resources (human, monetary, space, etc.) are required to accomplish the project.
- Outline a timeline for the project.
- Link how the project aligns with EWC’s strategic plan and what key performance indicators the project will impact.
- Develop a plan to assess the outcome of the project and how those outcomes will be shared with the rest of the college community.
Units may select assessment projects identified by the Curriculum and Learning Council or the Outcomes Assessment Committee. These groups shall be responsible for ensuring that assessment plans are carried out, that results are documented, and that the information is shared with the entire college community for potential action. Decisions based on assessment data are documented and included in the unit program’s triennial reports.
Units are also encouraged to develop and document supplementary assessment plans to follow up on specific actions to monitor effectiveness. Program Directors, Department Heads, or designees are responsible for updates on assessment results and for leading reviews of program goals and assessment plans.
Administration Requirements
- The goal of outcomes assessment is program improvement. For assessment to be effective, faculty/staff must document program weaknesses as well as strengths and use their findings to make program improvements. Assessment results demonstrating the need for improvement should be viewed positively as an opportunity. It is the assessment process, especially the documented use of data in subsequent decision-making-that is vital; assessment is not simply an effort to demonstrate success. To ensure that assessment proceeds in accordance with the goal of program improvement, the College President, Executive Leadership Team, Program Directors, Department Chairs and designees Chairs, are expected to recognize and acknowledge participation in assessment activities through the triennial review process at all levels.
Original Adoption Date: 11/18/2024
Revision Date(s):
Date Reviewed, no change: