Administrative Regulation Title  Use of Electronic Marquee Sign

Regulation Number:  6.6.4


The Eastern Wyoming College Office of College Relations is the authorized designee for the management of the electronic marquee sign on both the Torrington and Douglas campuses. Reservations for use can be made through the College Relations Office or the appropriate Information Center.

  1. A time limit may be imposed when there are multiple requests to use the electronic marquee.
  2. EWC courses, events or important dates have absolute priority. If there are numerous EWC events to display, a compromise will be reached.
  3. EWC will control the content.
  4. Marquee will not be used for personalized messages such as birthdays, etc.
  5. Requests from the community for events not held at the campus will be considered by College Relations on a case-by-case basis and as space allows.


Original Adoption Date: 10/14/03

Revision Date(s): 11/8/05 (RF) (RF)}, 10/9/08, 2/11/14, 6/9/15, 10/10/11 (RN)

Date reviewed, no change: