Appendix D – Administrative Regulation 3.24.2 Verbal Warning Template – Example


To:                          HR Personnel Folder (Doe)

From:                    Joe Public (Duty Title)

Date:                     February 10, 20xx

Subject:                Verbal Warning


Reference: (a) Verbal Counseling; January 18, 20xx

The letter is documentation of a Verbal Warning delivered in private to John Doe (Duty Title) by me the afternoon of Thursday, February 9, 2017.  Its purpose was to inform John Doe of his performance (or conduct – if applicable) deficiency, specifically…he must keep confidential student and employee information secure and not share it with individuals who are not permitted to receive the


On Tuesday (February 7, 2017) I personally observed and heard John Doe, while sitting as his desk, share personal, protected information about one student to another, different student. Also, on Wednesday (Feb 8, 2017) I observed and heard John Doe, while standing at the copier, share confidential information about an employee with another employee.

During the Verbal Warning John Doe was specifically informed his actions violated both federal law (FERPA) and College policy (Board Policies 3.10 and 3.14).  He was informed the required corrective-action he must make is never to share confidential or personally identifiable information about a student or employee with any other student or employee.  I informed John Doe my expectation was for him to implement this correction immediately. This Verbal Warning was the second time John Doe and I had a discussion about the proper and improper handling and disclosure of confidential information; Ref (a) was the first time we discussed this matter.

Finally, I offered John Doe a chance to reply and expressed to him my confidence that he can make the necessary change to avoid illegal data sharing in the future. John replied by explaining his actions on Tuesday (7 Feb 17) and Wednesday (8 Feb 17) and then expressed his thoughts about what we discussed. John Doe concluded his comments with a full understanding of the requirement not to share confidential information. I was confident John Doe completely understood my expectation regarding this matter.


Joseph Q. Public

Duty Title

cc:           Jane Roe (Additional Supervisor Title) — Optional


Original Adoption Date:

Revision Date(s): Revised 6/17/21(RN)

Date reviewed, no change: