Policy 1.10: Chain-of-Command
All employees of Eastern Wyoming College report to a supervisor. The Eastern Wyoming College
Board of Trustees provides oversight to the President. The chain-of-command is an unbroken line of reporting/supervisory relationships that extends through the entire College and defines the formal decision-making structure. The Board delegates to the College President the authority and responsibility to lead, manage, and direct the internal affairs and administrative details of the institution’s daily operations.
The purpose of the chain-of-command is to assist the College President in the following areas: 1) to establish the authority and responsibility of all campus staff members; 2) to ensure prompt response to situations requiring immediate action; 3) to delineate a mechanism to notify students of status change, condition, problems, concerns, or questions; 4) to outline the communication method for resolution of intra and inter work-center issues or to notify administration of problems; and 5) to create a means for conflict resolution.
All College employees shall adhere to the chain-of-command in carrying-out their duties and responsibilities. Each employee is accountable to their direct or immediate supervisor. When the direct supervisor is absent the responsibility for employee accountability and supervision passes to the next higher-level supervisor. Exceptions to chain-of-command adherence exist for emergency situations and during unusual circumstances when the employee’s immediate supervisor is absent; in these unique cases the next higher supervisor shall be contacted. Open communications among various organizational levels in the supervisory chain is essential to successful College operations.
Original Adoption Date: 9/12/17
Revision Date(s): 10/24/22
Date(s) reviewed, no change: