Policy 1.11:  Governance Structure



The primary role of the governance structure is to define and clarify the development of Board Policy, Administrative Regulations, and operational manuals and/or handbooks.


  1. Board Policy (BP): A statement officially adopted by the Eastern Wyoming College Board of Trustees at a public meeting that describes the organization of the College, or prescribes general goals and practices for the operation of the College.
  2. Administrative Regulation (AR): A statement adopted by the Eastern Wyoming College President that interprets or implements Board Policies by establishing regulations for the day-to-day operations of the These statements may be reviewed by the Board of Trustees to ensure compliance with Board Policy but Aps are not adopted by the Board of Trustees.
  3. Operations Manual and/or Handbook: Detail specific procedures for implementing BPs or The sponsoring unit is responsible for internal approvals and regular updates of Operations Manuals and/or Handbooks.

Eastern Wyoming College Policies are adopted by the Board of Trustees under authority granted by the legislature of the State of Wyoming. The Board of Trustees retains authority to adopt, amend, or repeal, all BPs, subject to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act rulemaking requirements.

Administrative Regulations are adopted by the College President under authority granted by the Board of Trustees in Board Policy 1.8. The College President retains authority to adopt, amend, or repeal all ARs, but shall facilitate a collaborative and inclusive process that involves all identified stakeholders. The College President shall present to the Board of Trustees any substantive changes to ARs as an information item at the next regularly scheduled meeting following the change.

Policy Process

The process to adopt, amend, or repeal a policy may be initiated either by the Board of Trustees or by the various college constituencies, i.e., administration, faculty, staff and/or students.

The College President shall adopt an AR that provides a clearly delineated process for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of BPs that includes the input of pertinent stakeholders.

Regular Review and Evaluation

BPs will be calendared through the College President’s Office for review, and possible amendment or repeal, by sponsoring units at least every three years. Changes to policies may be of two types:

1. Non-substantive changes are (1) edits that leave the meaning of the policy unchanged, (2) title changes, and/or (3) those that reflect current organizational structure.

2. Substantive changes modify the policy’s intent.

Non-substantive changes may be presented to the Board as part of the consent agenda at any regular Board meeting. Substantive changes are subject to the review process above and that which is specified in the AR.


The Board of Trustees may make exceptions to the policy process when deemed necessary by the Board.

Interpretation of Revised Policies

During a process of BP amendment or re-organization, there may be situations in which for a limited time, a newly adopted or amended BP contains language that may be duplicative or in conflict to some extent with language in a BP that has not yet been amended or repealed. In this situation, the language of the most recently amended or adopted BP supersedes all prior language.


References:  Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act; Wyo. Stat. § 21-18-304.


Original Adoption Date: 9/12/23

Revision Date(s):

Date(s) reviewed, no change: