Policy Title:  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Policy Number:  5.7

Purpose: The Eastern Wyoming College Board of Trustees mandates the College to protect all student records maintained by the institution and to protect the confidentiality of said records.  The College shall publish how its students may gain access to their records to ensure the accuracy of the contents.

The Board authorizes the College President to designate a Custodian of Student Records who is charged with upholding federal, state, and privacy laws. This individual shall effectively supervise the collection, management, access, and/or release of official data/information about EWC students. In addition, this Custodian is charged with the appropriate disposal of student records in accordance with applicable record retention schedules.


Custodian of Student Records: Officer of the College delegated the duty to accept, maintain, and protect the privacy of student records.

For the purposes of this policy, a student is any person who attends or who has attended the College; if a student is attending EWC – at any age – the rights under FERPA have transferred to the student.

References:  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99; and 34 CFR §99.31. Wyo. Stat.  §§ 21-18-202 (e)(v)(B) and §21-18-318; Wyoming State Archives Local Government Retention Schedule; Board Policy 2.16 – Records Management and Retention.


Original Adoption Date:  7/20/05

Date(s) Amended: 11/8/05(RF), 3/9/10, 6/09/20, 9/12/23

Date(s) reviewed, no change: