Policy Title: Student Classification and Residency Requirements
Policy Number: 5.11
Purpose: Eastern Wyoming College is a public institution that participates in and receives federal student financial assistance via Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (20 USC 1094[a] [17]). The Eastern Wyoming Board of Trustees acknowledges that as a requirement of the Program Participation Agreement (PPA) with the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education, Eastern Wyoming College must meet all requirements to remain eligible for Title IV funds.
The EWC President shall ensure student data is collected and submitted annually to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), as mandated by the Title IV Program Participation Agreement. Student classification shall be maintained by academic year, admission status and residency. In addition, the IPEDS data will be made available to the public via the college’s consumer information requirements.
In-state residency requirements for tuition determination are established by the Wyoming Community College Commission. EWC shall adhere to the regulations that govern the classification of students as a resident or non-resident for the purpose of tuition assessment. The EWC Board of Trustees will determine residency classification in accordance with Wyoming Community College Commission rules.
References: Title IV – Program Participation Agreement; Wyo. Stat. § 21-18-202(iii); Wyoming Community College Commission Rules and Regulations.
Original Adoption Date: 9/14/1993
Date(s) Amended: 11/8/05(RF), 3/9/10, 6/09/20, 9/12/23
Date(s) reviewed, no change: