Buy your textbooks at the EWC Bookstore
Students with an anticipated credit balance (or book-specific awards) are allowed to charge books (and reasonable supplies) from the EWC Bookstore to their student account. Your aid can be used to purchase textbooks through the EWC Bookstore during the specified charge period.
EWC Bookstore – 307.532.8216

Charge periods are included below:
Fall 2024: August 1 through September 1
Spring 2025: January 2 through January 24
Summer 2025: May 9 through June 6
Questions? If you have questions about your financial aid status, please contact the Financial Aid office – 307.532.8224 or 877.392.4678, menu option 6.
If you have questions about this process or need help with your MyEWC log-in, please contact Aaron Bahmer at 307.532.8284 or 877.392.4678, menu option 3.
Outreach Students!
Free Shipping when you order your books online prior to the end of the charge period and have your books shipped to the Eastern Wyoming College Outreach site in your local community; Chugwater, Douglas, Glendo, Glenrock, Guernsey, Hulett, Lusk, Moorcroft, Newcastle, Sundance, Wheatland and Upton.