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EWC announces articulation agreement with ReNEW program

January 17, 2020

Eastern Wyoming College and the University of Wyoming now officially have an articulation agreement in place for the ReNEW (Revolutionizing Nursing Education in Wyoming) program. ReNEW is a shared statewide curriculum delivered by nursing programs at all Wyoming community colleges and the University of Wyoming.

“This is the perfect solution for all of Wyoming to graduate more Bachelors prepared nurses into our workforce. This agreement is more than just a 2+2, it’s a curriculum that is started at the Community College level and goes through the BSN degree,” said Suzey Delger, EWC’s Director of Nursing. “We are thrilled to partner with the rest of the entire state community colleges and the University to provide the same curriculum, numbering system, and shared student outcomes.  It is a win-win for all involved,” continued Delger.

Formal admission to a ReNEW community college or university nursing program is required to pursue this degree. Students who are interested in the ReNEW program should consult with the nursing program at their Wyoming community college and students should not enroll in courses with the intention of completing a BSN through ReNEW until they have had direct contact with a Wyoming nursing program and are clear about the ReNEW program requirements and process.

“EWC is very proud to be an intricate part of the statewide ReNEW program and we are also very appreciative of Suzey Delger’s commitment to providing high quality education to future healthcare providers. EWC looks forward to watching the number of BSN graduates increase as a result of our commitment to providing a solid educational foundation for our students seeking associates degrees in nursing,” said Dr. Debbie Ochsner, Dean of Faculty and Student Services at EWC.

For more information about the ReNew program, contact Suzey Delger at 307.532.2999, or 307.624.7020 or by email at


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