Volleyball Season Begins

Returning sophomores on the Eastern Wyoming College 2023-2024 volleyball team include (front row, l to r) Morgan Lonn, Baylor Rodgers, Neeley Rutledge, Emma Blackstar, and Boden Liljedahl, (back row) Sydney Anderson, Julia “Belle” Dolan, and Siale Unufe. Unufe and Liljedahl were also named to the first-team Region IX Academic All-American team.
The Lady Lancers will take to the court this weekend and begin their season. The team is made of 19 players, with eight returning Lancers from last year’s team.
“We have to be the role models and encourage the freshman, both on the court and in the classroom,” Lancers Sophomore Boden Liljedahl said. “I’m excited about this year.”
On the court, “we have a lot more depth,” Lancer Sophomore Siale Unufe added, “and we have a very good bond.”
The Lancers first regular season volleyball game will be against Garden City, in Garden City, Kansas on Aug. 22. The first home match will be Sept. 19-21 in the Wyo-Braska Tournament. the Lancers will take part in a Region IX Scrimmage on Satursday, Aug. 17 in Sterling, Colorado.
Click here to print off this year’s schedule, or see below.
Eastern Wyoming College Women’s Volleyball 2024-25
Date Time Opponent Location
8-10-24 10am Black and Gold Scrimmage Home
8-17-24 TBA Region IX Scrimmage Sterling, CO
8-22-24 6pm Garden City CC Garden City, KS
8-23 / 8-24 TBA Garden City College Tournament Garden City, KS
8-27-24 6pm Western Nebraska CC Scottsbluff, NE
8-30 / 8-31 TBA Salt Lake CC Tournament Salt Lake, UT
9-6 / 9-7 TBA Trinidad State – Tournament Trinidad, CO
9-12-24 6pm Otero College La Junita, CO
9-13 / 9-14 TBA Miles CC Miles City, MO
9-19 / 9-20 / 9-21 TBA Wyo-Braska Tournament Home
9-24-24 6pm Laramie County CC Home
9-28-24 2pm Gillette College* Home
10-4-24 6pm Northwest College* Home
10-5-24 2pm Central Wyoming College* Home
10-11-24 6pm Western Wyoming College* Rock Springs, WY
10-12-24 2pm Casper College * Casper, WY
10-15-24 6pm Laramie County CC* Cheyenne, WY
10-19-24 2pm Gillette College* Gillette, WY
10-22-24 6pm Western Nebraska CC* Home
10-25-24 7pm Northwest College* Powell, WY
10-26-24 2pm Central Wyoming College* Riverton, WY
10-28-24 6pm Northeastern College Sterling, CO
11-1-24 6pm Western Wyoming College Home
11-2-24 2pm Casper College Home
Nov. 5-9 TBA Region IX Volleyball Championships Cheyenne, WY
Nov. 19-23 TBA NJCAA National Volleyball Championships Clarksville, TN
Head Coach George Hamilton
Athletic Director (interim) Bill Engel
Assistant Athletic Director Tim Larsen
Vice President Patrick Korell
President Dr. Hawes
*Denotes Conference Games