Eastern Wyoming College believes that financial literacy is an essential life skill both during and after college. Students entering college now will have more financial choices to make and more opportunities to capitalize on than any other generation. The Financial Aid Office can help you understand why your financial decisions matter, even if you are just starting out after high school.

To help provide you with financial resources, EWC hosts financial literacy events on-campus each year. Additionally, EWC suggests students participate in our new EWC Financial Literacy Platform provided through Education Credit Management Corporation (ECMC). The ECMC platform contains comprehensive, information designed to help students, and their families make the best and most informed financial decisions possible. ECMC can help you with budgeting, gives tips on credit card usage, provides financial basics, and gives information on other topics such as advice on buying a car and managing your financial relationship with roommates. Check it out and contact the Financial Aid Office if you have any questions or need more financial resources!

Federal Financial Literacy Information:

Other resources:

Tools and calculators: