Tutoring Services
Our peer to peer tutors are available in several subjects. Tutors can also help you set goals, create schedules, and assist with study skills. No appointment required.
Food Pantry
Need a snack? The Student Success Center also houses the Student Food Pantry.
Partner of Food Bank of Wyoming – wyomingfoodbank.org
Other Services
- NetTutor – An online tutoring service with 24/7 free access. NetTutor can be reached through Canvas
- Workspace for online tutoring or Zoom testing
- Space available for student study groups
- Private study spaces
- Computer lab
- Free printing
Tutors must have received a grade of “B” or better in the course(s) they will tutor and should have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Tutors are generally hired based on their academic records and recommendations from faculty.
Students may tutor either for pay or for credit. Students tutoring for pay must determine their eligibility for payment through the Financial Aid Office.
If you need assistance or would like to schedule an appointment with a tutor please contact: