Degree Plan
Students of archaeology and anthropology wishing to earn an Associate’s Degree will follow the general degree plan for an AA in Social Science, but will follow an Anthropology Track, which includes all of the Introductory Anthropology courses (Cultural, Biological, and Archaeology) as well as Museology and Physical Geology. Students of archaeology are also recommended to take the Summer Archaeology Field School to have an experiential advantage toward further education.
Program Description
When it comes to the vast world of archaeology and anthropology, there is always room for more ancestors waiting to be discovered on this planet called Earth. If you want to know more about the endless realm of world cultures and artifacts waiting to be discovered, Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) is ready to take you there and then some.
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Headed up by a highly experienced professor, Dr. Steven Howard, the Archaeology and Anthropology programs at EWC will provide you with a first-class education and knowledge to begin an amazing journey that few will ever experience.
“We are an experiential, learning focused program,” Dr. Howard says. “Archaeology and other anthropologies benefit from hands-on experience. We have labs right here on campus, business partners, and field access as well as a lot of hands-on teaching. It’s very experiential.”
Much like any other degree, you will be introduced to amazing and interesting challenges. With the right help, there is nothing you will not be able to overcome in this very fascinating field.
“In any course we have a very low student-teacher ratio,” Dr. Howard continues. “So you will get very good one-on-one coverage with each instructor and will get the attention you deserve.”
Once completing the program, you will have all the tools and skills needed to embark on a worldwide journey where world cultures, people, and artifacts are waiting to be discovered.
“There are a number of different employment opportunities for anthropology and archaeology,” Dr. Howard notes. “Most of the archaeology jobs that are available are in the private sector, as well as public sector resource management work. What we do here is prepare you for that. If you go on to get a bachelor’s degree in a four year school, you will have all the experience that gives you a leg up on others entering college or the workforce. We also have museology, archeologists who work for the BLM, the NPS, and various state park services nationwide. There are a lot of jobs that are available in those sectors, and in Wyoming especially.”
Once again if you want affordable access to brilliant professors who can teach you everything you need to know in this field, EWC is a home where you need to be.
• Academic Courses
• Public Outreach
• Youth Programs
Archaeology is the study of human cultures of the past. Archaeologists collect data from the material remains left behind by human activity to reconstruct past cultural behavior and life ways. Fields of archaeology include Classical Archaeology, Historical Archaeology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Bioarchaeology, Geoarchaeology, Ethnoarchaeology, and Museology. Job opportunities in archaeology in Wyoming include Cultural Resource Management for private firms or for the BLM, National Park Service, etc.

SPRING 2025:
Archaeology (ANTH 1300) – 3 credits – TTh 10:30-11:45am – Torrington Campus
Archaeology (ANTH 1300) – 3 credits – Online Asynchronous
Biological Anthropology (ANTH 1100, L001) – 4 credits – MW – Lab 2:00-2:50pm, Lecture 3:00-4:15pm – Torrington Campus
Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 1200) – 3 credits – TTh – 1:00-2:15pm – Torrington Campus
Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 1200) – 3 credits – Online Asynchronous
Museology (ANTH 2070) – 3 credits – TTh – 2:30-3:45pm – Torrington Campus
Archeology Lab Experience (ANTH 1490) – 1 credit – Minimum 30 hours
SUMMER 2025:
Archaeological Field School (ANTH 2460) – 6 credits – MTWTHFS – 8:00am-5:00pm – Immersive – Sunrise Field Station
Courses Offered:
ANTH 1100 – Biological Anthropology
The study of the physical or biological aspects of humans. This can include the study of other primates as well. This course counts as a Lab Science, and is for 4 credits.
ANTH 1200 – Cultural Anthropology
The study of human societies and cultures through time and across the world. Cultural anthropologists can focus on particular aspects of culture, like language or religion. This course counts as a Social and Behavioral Science, and is for 3 credits.
ANTH 1300 – Archaeology
The study of human societies, cultures and behavior in the past, through analysis of the material remains they’ve left behind. This course counts as a Social and Behavioral Science at EWC, and transfers as a Natural Science at University of Wyoming.
ANTH 2460 – Archaeology Field School
Covers field and basic laboratory methods in archaeology for data collection, analysis and interpretation of cultural material. Emphasis is placed on archaeological questions, scientific methods, heritage preservation and culture change. This is a 6 credit course that fulfills the requirements of a field school at most universities.
Scholarships are available for EWC courses, including the field school.
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