Eastern Wyoming College offers Foundation, institutional, and private donor scholarships and activity grants. Students can apply for most scholarships EWC administers via our online scholarship application. Students can apply for Fall, Spring, and Summer scholarships through this application.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for any EWC scholarships/activity grants, you must:

  • Complete the EWC Application for Admission
  • Provide an official high school (or high school equivalency) transcript; a final, official high school transcript with your graduation date must be on file in order for state and federal aid to be disbursed.
  • Provide official college transcripts from any other colleges you have attended.
  • It is also required that all students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Many scholarships require information from the FAFSA to determine need. The FAFSA must be completed every year.

While the majority of scholarships require no special program of study, others are designated for students pursuing a major in areas such as agriculture, art, business, criminal justice, education, health, history, nursing, psychology, welding, etc.

Eligibility criteria differ from one scholarship program to another. Criteria from various scholarship programs may relate to GPA, credit hours completed, high school affiliation, county of residence, organization membership or affiliation, enrollment level, etc.

Most scholarships require, at a minimum, a GPA of 2.0 and half-time enrollment. See the scholarship Application for a summary of scholarships EWC offers, descriptions, and criteria eligibility for each. View our Cost & Aid Guide as well as several Scholarship Opportunities.


How do I apply for scholarships?

Apply for EWC scholarships through your MyEWC account. Follow the steps below to apply.

  1. Log in to your MyEWC Account.
  2. Select the “Scholarship App” button
  3. Complete your application

Students can contact EWC’s Help Desk for any issues with their EWC email at 307-534-2912.

The EWC online Scholarship Application is designed to allow you to quickly enter important data that helps determine what institutional or Foundation scholarships you might be eligible for at Eastern Wyoming College. You may stop at any time during the application process and return to continue/check your data, complete individual application requirements and check on awarding progress. Provide general demographic information, complete some academic and qualification questions, and see what scholarships you may be eligible for! Be sure to check back into your account often for new scholarships you might be eligible for that require answering some additional questions.

Deadlines/Important Dates for Scholarship Applications

March 15 is the priority consideration date for scholarship applications (however, qualified applicants may be considered for scholarships at any time). Any applications received after the priority date will be considered on a “first-come, first-served” basis. You may continue to update your application and apply for new scholarships throughout the year.

Please note: Summer semesters are listed as a separate option on the application, so if you wish to be considered for summer scholarships, you must select that option (and any other semesters/years that you wish to be considered for scholarships).

Would you like to enhance students’ educational opportunities through scholarships? Contact Institutional Development at 307-532-8304

How to be a donor?

Would you like to enhance students’ educational opportunities through scholarships? Contact EWC Foundation at 307-532-8304.


Please view the list of other scholarships available from EWC that require paper applications or have other requirements, like trying out for a music or athletic award. Also, view the list of opportunities for scholarships awarded and administered by outside organizations!

**Please note that institutional scholarships are “last pay,” meaning that other grants and scholarships are considered against a student’s Cost of Attendance and may be reduced in the case of over-awards.

Wyoming Works

Wyoming Works

Wyoming Works is a state grant program and resources targeted at adult students to advance their skills in areas that lead to secure employment.

Wyoming Works Standard Grant will be up to $1,680 per academic year.

Wyoming Works Critical Grant will be up to $3,360 per academic year.

A student’s grant amount will be limited to their remaining financial need after all other grants and scholarships are considered.

Who is Eligible for a Wyoming Works Grant?

  • Must complete the FAFSA form, showing financial need.
  • Must be a US citizen or a permanent US resident who meets the definition of an eligible non-citizen under federal financial aid requirements.
  • Must be a Wyoming resident.
  • Must maintain satisfactory academic progress in the program.
  • Must maintain continuous enrollment in an eligible program.
  • A student may transfer from one approved program to another while maintaining continuous enrollment at EWC, or transfer to another Wyoming community college and enroll in an approved program at the transfer institution immediately after transfer.
  • A student may be eligible for this grant for no more than six semesters.

Who is Not Eligible for a Wyoming Works Grant?

  • Cannot be currently receiving or eligible to receive the Hathaway scholarship.
  • Cannot be currently in default on a federal Tile IV education loan.
  • Cannot owe a refund under a federal Title IV student financial aid program or a subsequently enacted similar federal student financial aid program, or a student financial aid program administered through the State of Wyoming.


Below please find the current list of eligible programs for Wyoming Works funding at Eastern Wyoming College. Additional programs, which will also qualify for Wyoming Works grants, are under development.

  1. Beef Production
  2. Business Administration DL (Distance Learning)
  3. Business Administration
  4. Certified Nursing Assistant
  5. Child Development DL
  6. Child Development
  7. Corrections
  8. Corrections DL
  9. Criminal Justice
  10. Farm and Ranch Management
  11. Human Services
  12. Veterinary Tech
  13. Commercial Driver’s License
  14. Agriculture – Precision Agriculture


  1. Welding

There are 3 steps to apply for Wyoming Works:

  1. Apply for Admission to EWC https://ewc.wy.edu/apply/
  2. File and Complete FAFSA https://studentaid.gov/.
  3. Complete the Wyoming Works Grant application. https://ewc.wy.edu/wyoming-works-application/
  4. All steps must be complete prior to the start of classes of the term for which you are applying.

Kickstart Wyoming's Tomorrow Scholarship

Kickstart Wyoming's Tomorrow Scholarship

Wyoming believes in your capabilities

There’s never been a better time to come back to college. If you are 24 years of age or older and wanting to start college or finish the degree you started, you can receive up to $7,200 to put towards tuition.

Kickstart Wyoming’s Tomorrow is a new state-funded scholarship program for adults enrolling at one of Wyoming’s eight community colleges, or the University of Wyoming, to pursue a degree or certificate. You can receive up to $1,800 per semester if enrolled in 12 credit hours or more, for up to four full-time academic terms.

The Wyoming’s Tomorrow Scholarship program and its initial endowment fund contribution of $10M was established by the 2022 Wyoming State Legislature. Currently, the scholarship program endowment fund is only partially funded so the 2023 Legislature set aside $1.25M to “kickstart” the scholarship program until its endowment fund reaches the required $50M and the scholarship is fully funded. By kickstarting the scholarship program, scholarship funds are available now, rather than later, to assist those that want to pursue their degree or certificate at a Wyoming college or university.

You may be eligible if:

  • You’ve been a Wyoming resident for no less than one (1) year immediately preceding application or not less than a total of three (3) years at any time prior to application;
  • You’re twenty-four (24) years of age or older when you begin school;
  • You’ve completed and filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the academic year for which you are applying for a scholarship and have unmet financial need;
  • You agree to register with the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services by completing a new account registration at wyomingatwork.com.

You may not be eligible if:

  • You are currently receiving a scholarship under the Hathaway Scholarship program;
  • Are not a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien who meets the definition of an eligible noncitizen under federal Title IV requirements, or requirements of a subsequent similar federal enactment;
  • Owe a refund under a federal Title IV student financial aid program, or a subsequently enacted similar federal student financial aid program, or a student financial aid program administered through the state;
  • Are incarcerated; or
  • Previously received a scholarship under this scholarship program of four (4) full-time academic terms or a total of seven thousand two hundred dollars ($7,200) in scholarships for unmet financial need.
Apply Now


WyHealthTrain Grant

Beginning Spring 2024, newly enrolled students in a healthcare career pathway may be eligible for up to $10,000 toward the cost of completing a qualified healthcare program within a two-year time frame at any of the Wyoming Community Colleges or the University of Wyoming.
Eligible programs at Eastern Wyoming College are:
Associate Degree in Nursing
Pre-Health Science (A.S. Degree)
Nursing Assistant (CNA) course
Certified Nursing Assistant II course
Certified Medication Assistant course
*Behavioral Health programs may be added once approval is received
Eligibility requirements:
  • Wyoming resident who became unemployed or underemployed during or as a result of the pandemic (March 13, 2020 – May 11, 2023.
  • Household income is at or below 300% of the federal poverty guidelines
2023 Annual Federal Poverty Levels (FPLs)
Household Family Size250%300%350%

How to apply:

  • Complete program information and the application are available here:  https://dws.wyo.gov/dws-division/business-training-support-unit/wyhealthtrain/
  • The first application window will be November 1, 2023 through December 8, 2023 for those enrolling for the Spring 2023 semester.
  • The second application window will be mid April through May 31, 2024 for those enrolling for the Fall 2024 semester.
Learn More

Hathaway Scholarships

The state of Wyoming established a generous scholarship program in the name of former Wyoming Governor Stan Hathaway that rewards eligible Wyoming-resident students with scholarship money to attend a Wyoming Community College or the University of Wyoming. The program provides merit and need-based awards to eligible students.

Learn More



The following scholarships require a separate process for application in addition to the EWC application package.  Please review each for criteria, contact information and/or application procedure. Please pay attention to deadlines, as each scholarship may have different requirements.

Please note: Items below marked with F are EWC Foundation awards, and items marked with ♦ require completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Activity Grants

EWC offers several Activity Grants, allowing students to assist, participate, or perform in specific areas of the college. Activity Grants are available to high school graduates and EWC students with a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA. First time students with a high school diploma and have special abilities as determined by the activity sponsor may also qualify for Activity Grants. The number of grants awarded and the value of the award varies; some cover full or partial tuition, and others are for fees, books, supplies, and/or on-campus room and board.

If you are interested in participating in debate/forensics, music, or art, there are activity grants available to you! Please complete EWC’s Scholarship Application.

Students interested in athletic activities should apply through the appropriate coach.

Students in the following athletic activities must meet NJCAA eligibility criteria:

Outside Scholarships

The following scholarship opportunities are awarded and administered outside of EWC. Certain outside scholarship donors inform EWC of scholarships available to its students. Since availability may change, please check back often for updated listings. Please refer to each for eligibility criteria, application processes, and deadlines. For information on the state Hathaway Scholarship program and application process, click here.

* The EWC Financial Aid Office only posts and advertises scholarships that are unique to our student population. Outside scholarship opportunities will be reviewed as they are received prior to posting.

International Students

International students can apply for EWC’s International Student Scholarship and other scholarships via our online scholarship application. Check our scholarship listing (on the current page) for details on what scholarships may or may not require U.S. citizenship.

International students will find little information available about financial aid because of citizenship limitations, but listed below are some online resources that can help.

Be careful what information you give online. You should not have to pay to apply for scholarships and anything that is “guaranteed” or “available to everyone” should signal a red flag. Check FinAid.org for information on how to protect yourself from scams and identity theft.