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EWC Campus Update, March 18, 2020

March 18, 2020

Eastern Wyoming College continues to strive to provide the best service to students during this unsettling time and is working out details of continued operations during this partial closure.

Just a reminder, spring break was extended for students. Classes will resume on Monday, March 23rd in an online or otherwise modified format. Students will receive communication from their instructors at their EWC email account or through Canvas. The Torrington and Douglas Campus are both open for operations but closed to the public through April 5th.

Updates for March 18, 2020, include the following:

  • Many students who live in the Residence Halls have questions. We hear you and are trying to develop a definitive plan in regard to housing through the end of the semester.
  • Concurrent and Dual enrollment students can expect to receive a phone call from an EWC official or the Outreach Coordinator in your area to touch base with you on your needs in relation to the completion of your class or classes.

All alerts and updates will continue to be posted at the following link:

Please feel free to contact Tami Afdahl, Director of College Relations with any questions or concerns, 307.575.0829,

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