EWC to host The Lancer Road Show and Financial Aid Night – Torrington Campus
Eastern Wyoming College will be holding The Lancer Road Show and Financial Aid Night on the Torrington campus on Wednesday, October 21, from 6:30 –8:30 pm.
Leann Mattis, EWC’s Admissions Coordinator, and Shanna Vargas, EWC’s Financial Aid Outreach Specialist will help you learn about the admissions process to any college, college costs, scholarships, and Financial Aid. You will get expert help on how to get started on your Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) form that is a vital step in getting help to pay for college.
All necessary materials, such as pens, pencils, computers to complete the FAFSA, and snacks will be provided. This event is free and open to anyone seeking to get your college questions answered. If intending to work on your FAFSA, please bring your 2019 Tax Information.
If you are not able to attend this evening’s event, you can attend a virtual presentation on Friday, October 23 from 6:30-8:30 pm. To join this virtual meeting log onto the zoom meeting at https://ewc-wy.zoom.us/j/99800022858?pwd=UnRJS054RjZUV2lKdjFxWkZJak1KZz09
For more information about The Lancer Road Show in Torrington, call Leann Mattis 307.532.8237 or email her at leann.mattis@ewc.wy.edu.