Show Team Fairs well at USF and KSF

The Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) Show Team exhibited 21 head of Breeding Sheep at the Utah State Fair in Salt Lake City this past week. The team had the Champion Any Other Wool Breed Ram, Champion Dorset Ewe, Reserve Champion Any Other Wool Breed Ram, Reserve Champion Any Other Wool Breed Ewe, and the Reserve Champion Suffolk Ewe.
The sheep were provided by the EWC Agriculture Program; Leea Lambert of Chadron, Nebraska; and SPY Club Lambs of Burns, Wyoming. Team members Simon Raff, Brianna Thompson, McKaylee Widdison and Hannah Wiskus fitted and exhibited the sheep with the help of owner Blair Sanchez of SPY Club Lambs. While there the students also helped other exhibitors in the show ring as well.
“This was an excellent opportunity for the students to exhibit both meat and wool breeds which are fitted very differently for the show ring, stated EWC Show Team Coach Georgia Younglove. They also had the chance to network with other producers in the industry and serve as ambassadors for agriculture as they visited with the general public that came through and watched them fit.”
Team members Garrett Greene and Cameron Cox then traveled to the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson, Kansas to exhibit a cow/calf pair owned by Greene. She was the Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair in the Roll of Victory Angus Show.
The team will be headed to the Western Junior Livestock Show in Rapid City, South Dakota the first week of October to not only show livestock but also to host the Livestock Skill-a-Thon Contest in partnership with the Wyoming 4-H Program.