Available to: New students/May high school graduates who meet criteria of tier, listed below

Provided by: Eastern Wyoming College

Number of awards: Varies


Tier Minimum requirements Award amount
Eastern 3.5 GPA and/or 24 ACT $1,500
Wyoming 3.0 GPA and/or 21 ACT $1,000
College 2.5 GPA and/or 18 ACT $   500


Students must enroll in and complete at least 12 credits during the Fall semester and maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 to be eligible for the second half of the award Spring semester.

Selected by: Admissions Office

Zach Smith, zsmith@ewc.wy.edu
Gail Bower,gbower@ewc.wy.edu


  • A completed EWC Application for Admission
  • Official high school transcript and ACT score