The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that post-secondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to enrolled and prospective students, parents, employees, and the public. The following information is disclosed to you in compliance with federal law. For additional information, including requesting a paper copy of any materials, please contact EWC’s Financial Aid Office.

Phone: 307-532-8224 or 307-532-8325
Fax: 307-532-8222



CARES Act (HEERF) Reporting

Institutional and Financial Aid Information

Institutional and financial aid information including statements on how to obtain consumer information, services available to students with disabilities, cost of attendance, academic programs, transfer information, copyright policies, consortium agreements, accreditation, financial aid penalties for drug law violations, vaccinations, diversity, textbooks, net price calculator, financial aid disbursement, teacher preparation, voter registration, and more.

Financial Assistance Information

Determining Award Amounts

To assist families with meeting educational costs when their own resources are not enough, EWC offers a variety of federal, state, and institutional funding, which include grants, scholarships, employment opportunities, low-interest loans, and payment plans.

Financial aid awards vary based on individual student needs and eligibility, as well as funding availability and enrollment level. Students should first apply for multiple sources of gift (or “free”) aid each year and leave borrowing student loans as a last resort since loans MUST be repaid.

The priority consideration date for federal AND institutional aid is March 15. Students who have a completed financial aid file by this date will receive priority consideration for all available funding. After this date, most funds are first-come, first-served. Students are encouraged to have a completed application on file at least six weeks prior to enrollment to ensure timely processing of financial aid awards, and to meet Business Office payment deadlines.

Method of Awarding Need-Based Aid

The basic need formula is represented by the following calculation: Cost of Attendance – Expected Family Contribution = Financial Need. The goal of the EWC Financial Aid Office is to meet as much of the student’s need as possible with available funds for which the student qualifies.

Cost of Attendance (COA): A student’s cost of attendance is an estimate of living and educational expenses for a period of enrollment. It includes allowances for:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Books and supplies
  • Room and board
  • Transportation
  • Personal expenses

Expected Family Contribution (EFC): The EFC is calculated by the federal processing center using the information reported on the FAFSA. It represents the amount the student and his/her family can reasonably contribute toward educational expenses.

Method of Payment of Aid

To ensure proper payment, all financial aid resources are reviewed either (1) after the first week of classes or (2) at the time of disbursement if aid is processed later in the semester. At the time of payment, financial aid will be based on the number of credit hours for which a student is enrolled, housing status, and residency classification. Awards are normally made in two disbursements, half in the Fall Semester, and half in the Spring Semester. Second disbursements of one-semester-only loans occur at mid-point in the semester.

Most initial awards are based on full-time attendance (12+ credits). Award amounts may be reduced, or awards canceled for less than full-time enrollment. If a student’s attendance level drops below full-time after an award notice is sent, the financial aid office will adjust the award to the correct enrollment level. If a student drops courses during the 100 percent refund period, financial aid payments may be adjusted. Other situations that could affect payment include: withdrawing before the end of the term; stopping attendance (unofficial withdrawal); not starting a class; dropping a late-starting class before the start date; cancellation of a late-starting class before the start date.

PLEASE NOTE: Only classes that apply to a student’s declared program of study can be funded by federal financial aid. Classes not listed as requirements on a student’s degree audit/program evaluation will not be included in enrollment status for federal aid.

Awards are usually credited directly to the student’s account. If anticipated awards exceed direct costs (tuition, fees, and on-campus housing), a student is allowed to charge books at the EWC Bookstore until the end of late registration. If aid is processed by the end of the late registration period and a student is due a refund, the refund check will be available approximately one week after the last day of late registration. Funds received after that date will be processed, posted, and disbursed once a week throughout each semester. Torrington Campus students may obtain their financial aid checks from the Information Center on Fridays. For Douglas Campus and Outreach students, refund checks are mailed weekly. Federal Work-Study/Institutional Employment paychecks are available to students the last day of each month worked.

Institutional Information

Withdrawing from Classes/College

Withdrawal from Individual Classes

It is the responsibility of the student to drop her/his classes; ceasing attendance to classes does not constitute an official withdrawal from class. A student wishing to withdraw from an individual class must obtain a change of registration card from the Records Office before withdrawal is official (withdrawal cards are valid only for 72 hours after issuance). Students may withdraw from any or all classes before the last 28 calendar days of the semester and receive a grade of W (Withdrawal). For classes with a duration of less than 15 weeks, student withdrawal must be completed on a prorated basis to the 15 week semester. After this time, withdrawal will be allowed only upon approval by the Vice President for Student Services if there are exceptional circumstances necessitating withdrawal. The student or an individual instructor will have the right to appeal this decision to the Curriculum and Learning Council. A Withdrawal (W) grade is not computed in the student’s grade point average. Withdrawal from a class does not release a student from any unmet financial obligation.

Withdrawal from College

Withdrawal from Eastern Wyoming College is the official discontinuance of attendance. Students wishing to withdraw are requested to obtain a withdrawal form from the Records Office, complete the form, and return the form to that office. A student who follows this procedure will receive a grade of W (Withdrawal) on his/her transcript for each of the classes in which the student is enrolled, and the grade of W is not computed in the student’s grade point average. Discontinuance of attendance without completion of the withdrawal procedure may result in a grade of F (Failure) for each course in which the student is enrolled.

Institutional Withdrawal

The Vice President for Student Services may institutionally withdraw an individual from all classes in the event of a student’s total abandonment of classes, a delinquent financial account, death, or other extenuating circumstances. The grade of IW (Institutional Withdrawal) is assigned to the student’s classes and is not computed in the student’s grade point average. The student will have the right to appeal this decision to the Curriculum and Learning Council.

Academic Programs, Physical Facilities, and Faculty

Designated and Availability of Employees for Information Dissemination

Eastern Wyoming College is fully committed to compliance with the applicable regulations and to providing candid, honest, and reliable disclosure and student consumer information. Enrolled or prospective students or others with questions about the disclosures or consumer information listed above or posted online at should contact the Financial Aid Office.

EWC’s Financial Aid Office is open during all normal EWC business hours and all staff members have the ability to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining any of the information outlined in the Consumer Information notice. Contact information is listed below.

EWC Financial Aid Office
Eastern Wyoming College
3200 West C Street

Torrington, WY 82240

EWC Financial Aid Office Contact Information:

Directory of all EWC faculty and staff

Written Arrangements and Disclosures

Eastern Wyoming College has a working relationship with Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy (WLEA).

Copyright Infringement

It is the policy of Eastern Wyoming College to respect the Copyright law. Materials that are distributed digitally, either on media or via download, including, but not limited to, software, music, books, movies and/or images are subject to copyright. The College will not tolerate copyright infringement that occurs on the Eastern Wyoming College network.

More information can be found in the student handbook and EWC Catalog. Each student is e-mailed notice annually through their LancerNet e-mail. There is information for Faculty located in the Faculty Handbook.

Vaccination Policy

EWC follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation for immunizations. Vaccination Policy is sent with the admissions letters of acceptance on the Student Health Statement.

The Veterinary Technology and Veterinary Aide programs require a Human Rabies vaccination.

Net Price Calculator

The Net Price Calculator is a tool for students and parents to use to get an estimate of what it may cost to attend Eastern Wyoming College each year. Please keep in mind that the information you receive from the calculator is a broad approximation and that actual costs and aid vary based on factors including, but not limited to, deadlines, funding levels and availability, grade level, enrollment status and academics. The calculator is intended to provide estimated costs including tuition, fees, books and supplies, room and board, and other related educational expenses minus estimated grand and scholarship aid based on previous years’ costs.

College Navigator

College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others search for and obtain information about U.S. post secondary institutions. Enter Eastern Wyoming College as ‘Name of School’ to view EWC’s College Navigator information.

Textbook Information

The EWC bookstore has supplies for all the students’ daily needs, whether it be books, pens, calculators, health and beauty supplies, dorm supplies, or even if they need a snack or beverage between classes. The store has a great selection of EWC apparel and gift items.

Students will need to bring in their schedule to shop for their books in the store. All books will be in alphabetical order by class and section. We encourage students to go online and order their books and school supplies. Simply click on the textbook icon and type in your class and section and the website will take the student to the books that they will need for the class. This page offers ISBN information as well as prices and purchase or rental options. The student may have their books and school supplies shipped to their home or have them shipped to the store for pick up. Shopping online is a stress free way for the student to get the right book and all their school supplies without having to stand in line during the busy first week of classes. If we are out of the book that the student needs for their class at the store, no problem, our Ordering Management System will search every Follett store in the country to find their book. Book returns are allowed until the last day a student may drop or add a class for full refund.

Shop in the EWC Bookstore, Torrington Campus, Activity Center Building

Open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Summer Hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday-Thursday, and 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Fridays

The first week of classes the bookstore will be open until 7:00 pm

Information for College Bookstores

EWC provides the following information to Follett Bookstore on the EWC Campus each semester:

  • the institution’s course schedule for the subsequent academic period;
  • the information provided for students regarding required or recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course or class;
  • the number of students enrolled in each course or class; and
  • the maximum student enrollment for each course or class.

The college bookstore can be accessed at Follett Bookstore

Disbursement of Books and Supplies Policy

At the beginning of each semester, students with anticipated credit balance (or book-specific awards) are allowed to charge books from the EWC Bookstore to student account with valid authorization completed via LancerNet. For more information, please go to “How to Charge Your Books.” **Available only at the beginning of each semester–watch for posted dates**

After completing the authorization, eligible students can shop for textbooks and supplies during the posted charge period/dates. Students that are not eligible to charge using financial aid, do not intend to complete an authorization, or who plan to pay out-of-pocket can shop for textbooks and supplies at any time. Students can shop in-store at the Torrington Campus, or can shop online. **Please be sure to have your class schedule and EWC Student ID in hand when you are shopping**

Follow These Easy Steps to shop online:

  • Go to the Bookstore Textbooks and Course Materials webpage
  • Select your Term
  • Select Course Department
  • Select Course
  • Select Section
  • Select your textbook new/used condition preference
  • Select one of the following
    • Add another course
    • Go to cart
    • Review your cart
    • Checkout
  • At checkout: choose returning users or new users
    • Select payment method

Shop in the EWC Bookstore, Torrington Campus, Activity Center Building

Open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Summer Hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday-Thursday, and 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Fridays.

The first week of classes the bookstore will be open until 7:00 pm

Questions? EWC Bookstore 307.532.8398

Teacher Preparation

Eastern Wyoming College does not participate in the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH Grant).

Voter Registration

You can register/vote in Wyoming on the same day. Registering to Vote in Wyoming.

Constitution and Citizenship Day

According to the Federal Student Aid Consumer Information Activity 1: Institutional and Financial Assistance Information for Students worksheet, “This Congressional initiative is authorized by Section 111 of Division J of Pub. L. 108-447, the ‘Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005,’ Dec. 8, 2004; 118 Stat. 2809, 3344-45 (Section 111). The Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement (Assistant Deputy Secretary) takes this action in order to implement this provision as it applies to educational institutions receiving Federal funding from the Department. Section 111(b) states ‘each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution.’ …Section 111 requires that Constitution Day be held on September 17 of each year, commemorating the September 17, 1787 signing of the Constitution. However, when September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, Constitution Day shall be held during the preceding or following week.”

“On February 29, 1952, the US Congress designated September 17 as “Citizenship Day.” (36 U.S.C. 106) On August 2, 1956, Congress requested that the President of the United States proclaim the week beginning September 17 and ending September 23 of each year as “Constitution Week.” (36 U.S.C. 108)” ( Join EWC in celebrating Constitution Week.  On September 17th there will be free Constitutions and freebies in the library hallway.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention

Information relating to drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs including standards of conduct, descriptions of legal sanctions, health risks, availability of counseling, treatment, rehabilitation and re-entry programs, violation response, program effectiveness evaluations, incident reporting, and more.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Programs

Information can be found in the Eastern Wyoming College flyer-“About Alcohol and Other Drugs on Campus.” The employee handbook has a section that addresses alcohol and drugs as does the student handbook. These are written according to personnel policy 3.14. Students on campus are also reminded of this policy in the Student Code of Conduct and there is a drug free statement on the student registration statement. The annual report also provides information about alcohol and other drug health risks, drug alcohol laws and penalties, and campus alcohol and other drug education and counseling resources.

Consumer Information for Student Athletes

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act & Report

In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, the Department of Athletics publishes information on men’s and women’s athletic programs at EWC. Statistics include the number of participants by gender for each team, operating and recruiting expenses, coaches’ salaries, revenues, and athletically related student aid.

The Equity in Athletics Report is provided for prospective student-athletes and others at the time an offer is made of athletically related aid. To access the report, please go to and click “Get Data for One School” and then enter “Eastern Wyoming College” in the “Name” box and then click the “continue” button. You can also request a copy from the coaches, or you can download it from here: EADA Report. The pdf file is here just in case the US Department of Education ( does not update the report in a timely manner on their website.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), such as a student’s right to review educational records, requests to amend records, disclosure policies, and designated directory information.

FERPA Information

Safeguarding Customer Information

Policies and procedures relating to Information security and privacy.

For detailed information on your information security please visit the Security page on our website, the GLBA Program Document or the GLBA Tips Brochure.

Fire Safety Reports and Student Housing

Information about fire safety and on-campus housing. Reports and statistics include fire safety system descriptions, fire drills, policies, procedures for evacuation, and more.


Per federal regulations (Chapter 34, Part 668, Subpart F), Eastern Wyoming College will practice ethical and appropriate communication and will not provide any false, erroneous or misleading statements… directly or indirectly to a student, prospective student or any member of the public, or to an accrediting agency, to a State agency, or to the Secretary. A misleading statement includes any statement that has the likelihood or tendency to deceive.

EWC Commitment

Eastern Wyoming College employees and representatives are committed to providing an environment of safety, ethical communication, professionalism, and integrity. Each employee or representative is responsible for establishing and maintaining such an environment. Employees and representatives are made aware of this expectation as well as policies and procedures through our hiring process and supplemental training.

In addition to the overall scope of misrepresentation, regulations specifically address three areas: nature of educational programs, nature of financial charges, and employability of graduates. For more information on these topics, please contact the departments listed below:

Fraud and Misrepresentation for Financial Aid Purposes

Per federal regulations for the standards of administrative capability (Chapter 34, Part 668, Subpart B), Financial Aid staff are required to report to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Education for investigation any applicant for Title IV, HEA program assistance [who] may have engaged in fraud or other criminal misconduct in connection with his or her application. The type of information that an institution must refer is that which is relevant to the eligibility of the applicant for Title IV, HEA program assistance, or the amount of the assistance. Examples of this type of information are—

  • False claims of independent student status;
  • False claims of citizenship;
  • Use of false identities;
  • Forgery of signatures or certifications; and
  • False statements of income

Financial Aid staff are required to review application information for accuracy of information, potential errors and conflicting information, which can include deliberate fraud and misrepresentation. If the fraud or misrepresentation impacted prior financial aid disbursements (including prior years), staff will review and verify all information. Any changes in eligibility due to the fraud or misrepresentation will require the student to repay the unearned previously disbursed funds.

Intentionally providing false information can lead to repayment, fines up to $20,000, fees, and/or being sent to prison. By signing the FAFSA, students certify that all of the information they are providing is true and correct. By submitting the FAFSA, students (and parents, if applicable) acknowledge and accept these regulations.

Loan Disclosures

Information about student loans including Borrower Rights and Responsibilities, Code of Conduct, National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), Entrance and Exit Counseling, and Federal vs. Alternative/Private Loans.

State Grant Assistance

Wyoming does not have any state grants.

Borrower's Rights and Responsibilities

Eastern Wyoming College encourages borrowers to only borrow what they need. Please review Borrowers Rights & Responsibilities.

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education’s central database for student aid. NSLDS receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program, and other Department of ED programs. NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data.

Students should track of loan status and outstanding balance each semester through the Financial Aid Review section of

Loan Counseling

Entrance Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers

Entrance counseling is required of all first-time borrowers at EWC. This is a federal requirement to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a borrower. You will learn what a Direct Loan is and how the loan process works, how to manage your education expenses and about other financial resources to consider helping pay for your education while reducing your debt. You will get information on loan terminology, interest rates and average student indebtedness.

To complete counseling, you will need the following information:

  • Social Security Number
  • Date of birth
  • Driver’s license number
  • Permanent e-mail address
  • Names, addresses, telephone numbers of 3 references.
  • Department of Education or FAFSA PIN number.
  • Both entrance and exit counseling are completed at

Information is provided with student award notifications, on the Fact Sheet provided by financial aid office, and also on the loan request form.

Exit Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers

Exit counseling is required of students who borrowed loans who are nearing graduation, have left school or otherwise dropped below half-time enrollment (six credits). This is also a federal requirement to emphasize your rights and responsibilities as a borrower, plus it provides information on your grace period before repayment begins, loan repayment, payment plans available and collects updated borrower information. You will also receive information on loan consolidation, consequences of defaulting on a loan and deferment and forbearance options available to you.

To complete counseling, you will need the following information:

  • Social Security Number
  • Date of birth
  • Driver’s license number
  • Permanent e-mail address
  • Names, addresses, telephone numbers of 3 references.
  • Department of Education or FAFSA PIN number.
  • Both entrance and exit counseling are completed at

Students who have dropped below 6 credit hours are sent a letter informing them to complete the exit counseling and those who are filling out an “Intent to Graduate” card are also required to complete exit counseling.

Private Education Loan Disclosures

About Private Education Loans

Private loans are non-federal educational loans. These loans are typically offered by private lenders (educational financing institutions, guarantee agencies, banks) to assist with educational and living expenses not covered by other financial aid. In general, you may borrow up to the cost of education minus all other financial aid you receive.

There are many private loan options and lenders available to students. Selection of a private lender is an important decision, and you should carefully research your lender, and read all the information provided to assist you in evaluating and selecting a lender. The following list provides contact info for lenders EWC has worked with successfully in the past, but you are NOT LIMITED TO THIS LIST. It is up to YOU to find the best lender and loan options to fit your needs. EWC does not promote any specific lender and receives no compensation from your choice of lender. Visit EWC’s website at for more loan information and to view our College Loan Code of Conduct. Please note that not all lenders work with all colleges.

Compare the Benefits of Federal vs. Alternative Loans

Self-Certification Form

To receive private education loan funds, the borrower must submit a self-certification form to the lender. Your lender can provide the form, you may contact EWC’s Financial Aid Office, or you can download it here: Private Education Loan applicant self-certification

This form must be sent to your lender; do not submit the form to EWC.

Be sure to contact the lender to inquire about any additional requirements that may be needed before your loan funds can be disbursed.


  • If you haven’t already applied for federal and state financial aid, you’re encouraged to do so by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • You may wish to delay your private loan until you receive your financial aid award notice because you could receive enough financial aid to replace the private loan you intend to borrow.
  • Research federal vs. private loans here: Federal vs. alternative loan info

Non-Federal Private Loan Agreement Form

In addition to completing the Alternative Loan Agreement Form, if you choose to take a private student loan rather than a Federal Direct Student Loan, you must complete an online counseling session. Federal loans require you to complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling for undergraduate students in order to receive federal loans; EWC requires Financial Awareness Counseling for students choosing to take alternative or private student loans instead of federal loans.

While private student loans are another college financing option that can help cover additional costs not covered by federal financial aid, it is extremely important from a personal finance standpoint that you first exhaust ALL possible grant and scholarship possibilities prior to considering a non-federal private student loan.

Code of Conduct for Education Loans

EWC recognizes that ensuring the integrity of the student financial aid process is critical to providing fair and affordable access to higher education. We adhere to the following guiding principles which were designed to avoid any potential conflict of interest between EWC and its students and their parents in the financial aid process: EWC Loan Code of Conduct

Preferred Lender Lists and Lender Arrangements

EWC does not participate in preferred lender lists/arrangements. It is up to YOU to find the best lender and loan options to fit your needs. EWC does not promote any specific lender and receives no compensation from your choice of lender.