Holly West
VA Certifying Official
Fax: 307.532.8222

Eastern Wyoming College is here to help you (and your dependents) achieve your educational goals and to ease your transition from military to civilian life. We appreciate your service to our country and are proud to have the opportunity to assist you.

EWC is approved to administer the Veterans Education Assistance Programs that include the Montgomery GI Bill and 9/11 GI Bill®. Veterans wishing to use their education benefits must contact Holly West, the EWC VA Certifying Official, at 307-532-8224 or via email at holly.west@ewc.wy.edu.

Estimate the amount of benefits you may be eligible to receive with the U.S.  Department of Veterans Affairs GI Comparison Tool!

Application Process: As the application and approval process takes time, students are encouraged to apply early for their benefits.  To apply, please complete the VA Application for VA Education Benefits (22-1990). This form is available online at www.vets.gov. For benefits other than those listed above, please contact the Veterans Administration at 1-888-442-4551 or online at the above website.

A copy of your DD214, member copy 4, and a copy of your NOBE (Notice of Basic Eligibility)  letter should  be provided to the EWC VA Certifying Official prior to certifying your eligibility of VA Benefits with the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Wyoming National Guard

The Wyoming National Guard Educational Assistance Plan is available subject to state funding.  All current members of the Wyoming Army or Air National Guard are eligible to have full in-state tuition and fees paid.  Complete the application online.

Be sure to follow the instructions given in the user guide. The basic steps are listed below:

If you have an account, login at: wyngedassist.wyo.gov, OR

  1. Register for a new account (may use any email – .edu email is NOT recommended).
  1. Click on the EA Agreement link and open in Adobe/Acrobat Reader.  Digitally sign and submit by email.
  1. Complete the Application fill-in form.
  1. “Save” application and attach “UNOFFICIAL” transcript.
  1. Click “Complete” on the Application “INDEX” page.

Please note: Should you get an error screen stating, “There is  a problem with this website’s security certificate,” please click on “Continue to this website” and you will be directed to the application.

Be advised you MUST complete the application each semester and submit it to the EWC VA Certifying Official.  Please contact 307-532-8224 with questions. You MUST complete an application each semester you wish to receive EAP funds.

Wyoming Educational Assistance for Veterans and Survivors

The State of Wyoming passed legislation to assist veterans, and dependents of deceased veterans, with tuition and fees at any eligible Wyoming College. (Wyoming Statute 19-14-106). This program is designed to help Vietnam Veterans, and the surviving dependents with tuition and fee assistance.

Adobe Reader is required for viewing and printing the Application. You can get Adobe Reader at this link or by clicking the icon below.

Vietnam Veterans & Family

Matrix of benefit & eligibility


Other resources

In addition to VA benefits, veteran students should pursue educational assistance under the federal financial aid programs, institutional employment opportunities and scholarships. Please visit EWC’s Financial Aid pages and find out other aid programs for which you may be eligible. Contact the Financial Aid Office at 307.532.8224 or 833.327.8996 with questions.

Tip Sheet for military and veterans

Scholarship opportunities

Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Scholarship   (Nov. 15 deadline)

Veterans information sources

EWC is committed to all its veteran and military students and their academic success. We have signed and are a participant in the Department of Defense’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and are fully committed to Executive Order 13607, establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions serving service members, veterans, spouses and other family members.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.